4. "don't look for me."

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Natsu Dragneel

The way I left things with Lucy didn't seem right. I don't know why but it feels like another side of me shattered, and it felt wrong. Joining hands with Lisanna felt wrong, leaving Lucy to be with her felt wrong.

But maybe it was Lucy's confession that messed my brain up, the way I had broken my best friends heart like that. But I couldn't help it, how was I supposed to know she was in love with me? But one things for certain, I'm in love with Lisanna and now I'm finally with my dream girl.


I shivered as it felt like someone yelled that word through my core, but I felt a grip on my hand from behind, I turned to face who it was and it was Lisanna, bringing me back to reality.

"Natsu are you alright? Did anything happen with Lucy? She seemed upset earlier." She asked but I shrugged and replied with no. She nodded and brushed it aside.  "Everyone, Natsu has an announcement to make!" She pushes me up the stairs, facing the entire guild.

I turned to Lisanna, my body starting to shake nervously. "Lisanna and I are together." Gasps were heard from the entire guild, along with silence soon after that.

There was a long pause, and the guilds faces were filled with surprise. My stomach turned at the awkward silence and weird looks they were giving me. It was totally discouraging, and for some reason it killed me with disappointment.

I then heard a clap. "Way to go Natsu!" Someone yelled.

"That's how a man does it!"

"He's finally growing up!" Wolf whistles and loud cries filled the entire guild. "We should celebrate!" A unison of cheers echoed through the guild, agreeing to have another party.

As much as I needed this party to play out, my mood was somewhat spoiled now. It seemed that I didn't wanna join, but I couldn't ruin the mood so I stayed.

That was a mistake...

Just as the party started to finally dial down, it was close to the middle of the night. Everyone was either drunk or passed out, but the ones who wasnt were me, Mira, Lisanna and Team Natsu.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned to face Mira, a look of disappointment spread across her face. Being the big sister of my new girlfriend, Mira was much more frightening then she usually was. "Natsu, can we talk?"

I nodded my head and she brought me to the corner of her bar, which has been untouched by the drunkards, leaving just Mira and I alone.

"So you and my sister huh?" As I expected, Mira had no hesitation. I nodded, sucking in my cheeks and held my breath, waiting for a lecture of how to treat her little sister properly. "What does Lucy think about this?"

My eyes widened in surprised. "Lucy?" I looked away in guilt as I recalled the memories of what happened a few hours ago. "S-shes fine with it." I stuttered.

"She confessed, didn't she?" I sighed and nodded my head. She cleared her throat and stood up from her chair. She grabbed a rag and slowly walked away from me, first whispering something only I could hear.

"I really hope you know what you're doing Natsu."

A deep sigh came from a slightly bored and tired Wendy, who had her chin on the bar counter while playing with her orange juice. "What's wrong Wendy?" Ezra asked ordering a cake and milkshake.

"I wonder where's Lucy-san," I flinched. "She didn't come the whole day, she even missed the party."

"She came in this morning," Gray spoke. "Maybe she went on a mission."

Mira shook her head, overhearing the conversation, handing Ezra her shake and cake. "No I didn't approve any missions for her or anyone today."

"Natsu, didn't you and Lucy talk earlier?" My eyes widened and my heart started to pace nervously. "I think you were the last one to talk to her, or even see her." Lisanna pointed out and I smiled nervously, shaking slightly.

"What did you and Lucy talk about, flame brain."

"T-talk?! M-me and Lucy never talked!.." I forced a laugh as everyone started to get suspicious of me.

"Natsu, how about you go and grab her," Mira suggested innocently. "By yourself."

My eyes widened, "NO! I cant!" I yelled, raising the suspicions around me even higher. "I'm sure she's fine! She'll probably show up tomorrow!"

"What did you just say?" She glared, sticking a hand between her cleavage ready to pull up a sword. "Natsu Dragneel you bring her here right this instant or this will be your last day to live!"

"AYE SIR!" I saluted, racing out the guild doors, escaping from the demonic swords woman, leaving a trace of hot fire behind me.

I didn't understand why I didn't wanna face Lucy, maybe the awkwardness around her and I made me afraid to look at her big brown eyes. But with Erza on my ass, it was a choice of life and death. Besides, I promised myself we would talk sooner or later. As much as I wanted to talk later, my luck ran dry right after I asked out Lisanna.

I sniffed the air for the familiar scent of strawberries and vanilla, leading it to her apartment, where my favorite smell lied home. I took a huge jump, landing by her window. I slammed the window opened and fell right on her bed.

"Lucy where are ya'!" My voice roared looking for a certain celestial wizard. But to my surprise she wasn't here. Nothing was. The place was completely empty. I rushed to the other room, and of course she wasn't there. The place was a ghost house. There were no bed or food. No clothes or shelves full of books, and no desk with her usual papers scattered all over it.

This worried me. Where the hell did Lucy go? And why? I slowly crept to the bathroom, not even hesitating to peek through if she was taking a shower. But she wasn't. No one was home, and this made my stomach flip even more.

I held my breathe as i stared at the empty apartment. I grind my teeth impatiently, wanting to see my favorite blonde and ask her what the hell was going on.

All that was left was a box in the middle of the room laying on the floor. I had immediately recognized it as it was the box she left for her mother. Hesitantly I opened it, surprised to see that the box that was once filled with heartfelt letters was now empty with one piece of paper.
I picked it up and read the four letters freshly written in ink.

"Dont look for me."

I clenched my fists with the note still in my hands. "What the hell is this?" I stared at the writings my hands shaking and body trembling as i kept rereading the same thing over again.

A second later, I heard jingles and flashing lights of golden appear from behind me. This action was way to familiar, it was how Lucy summoned one of her celestial keys.

I turned 180, expecting to see my favorite blonde hiding behind me laughing, saying this was all a prank. But it wasn't, it was just Loke. He appeared with a worried look; brows furrowed together and his hands behind.

"Natsu, you're finally here." His expression was a saddened one. It wasnt like the Loke I grew up to know. The one who'd flirt with girls with a seductive smirk and a carefree smile. This Loke was serious and sad.

"Loke, where the hell is Lucy?!" I yelled, holding up the piece of paper.

He stared at the note in my hands and shook his head. "I'm sorry Natsu, but just as the note says, she doesn't want to be found. She left."

"Left?" I growled, crumpling up the paper, gritting my teeth. "Left where? Why?! WHERE IS LUCY?!" I could feel my tears start to form in my eyes, but I couldn't release them just yet.

He bowed one last time and took a step closer. He placed his hand on my shoulder and shook his head. "I.. can't tell you. This would be against Lucy's wishes. I'm sorry Natsu, I hope you and the guild... will understand."

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