28. "December 14"

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Natsu Dragneel

Lisanna brought me to our room while James dragged Lucy to theirs. I wasn't sure what was going on, but a week away from each other seemed to affected them both deeply. Especially Lisanna, her eyes were puffy and red, while her white cheeks were stained with tears. I bit the inside of my cheeks, nervous as to what would make her cry to this extent. I started to feel guilty to do what i'm about to do.

"What's wrong Lis?" I reached my hand to caress her cheek softly. I heard a small sigh and grabbed my wrist and pulled it away from her face. She tugged me to the bed and we sat at the edge, her grip on my wrist tight more than ever.

"Be honest with me Natsu," she paused for a second. "Do you... love Lucy?"

My eyes widened as she blurted out those four words. I furrowed my brows and averted my gaze from hers, "yes." I replied.

I couldn't look Lisanna in the eyes now. The truth was out, and as much as it was hurting her, this was also hurting me. I loved Lisanna, she was my first love. But it took me awhile to realize that she was my past. I had to let go of my past and focus on my future, and no matter how much I tried imagining Lisanna to be the future, I couldn't forget about a certain blonde.

"Since when..." her voice weakening and I could smell the salty tears starting to form in her eyes.

"I dont know. Ever since we left for this mission, or-or it could've been ever since we got to the estate, or-"

"Or ever since the beginning?"

I paused, memories of Lucy and I's first encounter, smiling gently at the beautiful flashback. "yes."

I heard a sniffle coming from Lisanna, I tried scooting towards her and rubbing my hand on her back, attempting to comfort her the best I could, but she just pushed me away and grabbed a tissue blowing her nose and trying to regain her composure. "So what now Natsu? Are we over?"

"I'm sorry Lisanna."

After our very long talk, we decided to end things on a good note and stay friends right now. Even though the subject was pushy, she accepted the concept of Lucy and I very quickly and pushed me to hurry and confess before the big wedding. I know all of this must be very hard for her, but Lisanna was strong. Once she left my room, I heard the her running towards probably Mira's room. As much as I wanted to comfort her, a little space is what she needed right now.

"Natsu?" a small voice called out my name, a small blue cat flying towards me and yawning to the bed. "How'd it go with Lisanna?"

I shrugged my shoulders, I would say it went well, for me anyways..

"I'll talk to her tomorrow morning." There was a long pause between the both of us. "Happy am I a horrible person? I mean, I broke Lisannas heart to be with another girl." I sighed frustratingly, running two hands over my face.

Happy flew to my side and started to rub my bag, "you can't help who you fall in love with Natsu." He smiled, "I flew past Lucy and James room and turns out their having the same talk as you and Lis."

This seems a little to easy...

From everything I learned, nothing in life will just get handed to you, but it seems like the universe is sending Lucy over to me on a silver plate. The bath incident, Lucy's drunk confession, and that smooth end with Lisanna. Three fortunate events in a row, and asking for another seemed impossible.

But there was no way I was stopping here. I had to make my feelings known. It sucks that Lisanna and James had to be in the middle of everything, but nothing will stand in my way to getting Lucy. Nothing.

I just hope Lucy accepts me, it will probably be a long shot, but if I have to ill make her fall in love with me just like how she did before. Piece of cake. No matter how many times Lucy denies it to herself, she will always love me.

She said it herself anyways.

Once morning came, everyone was brought to the living room, awoken by Virgo explaining that Lucy had news to share with all of us. I hope it's about her engagement being called off and she'd rejoin the guild.

I tiptoed my way towards Mirajane, who was rubbing her stomach while Laxus was feeding her pancaked. "Where's Lisanna?" I asked. It's been a while since we all gathered here, and Lisanna, Lucy, and James weren't here yet, even the butlers, maids, and that Michelle Lobster too.

She gave me a stare that read, 'are you serious' and I nodded, urging her to tell me. She sighed defeatedly and turned to her husband who had a spoon full of pancakes with syrup drizzle positioned in front of her mouth to eat. "Honey, can we have a moment?"

He groaned and got up from his chair, "you people need to leave my pregnant wife alone..." he muttered to himself stomping towards Gajeel, Jellal, and Gray.

I quickly disregarded him and turned my full attention to Mira. "My sister is crying her eyes out in her room. Seeing as you broke her heart."

"Well she broke up with me." Mira rolled her eyes, and I sighed to myself. "But you're not wrong, I did break her heart."

"At east make it up to her and let her have closure."

"Of course I will, right after Lucy tells us what she-" before I could finish my sentence, I heard footsteps walking towards us, revealing it to be Lucy and James.

"Thank you all for gathering so early in the morning," James announced while Lucy grabbed onto his arm close. My brows furrowed as I stared at their romantic entanglement. While James looked like he was about to explode in complete joy, Lucy on the other hand had eye bags and seemed pale and almost heart broken. "We have great news."

James turned to Lucy, gesturing for her to reveal the 'great news'. "December 14." she covered her discouraged expression and replaced it with a cheerful smile, "I hope you save the date, as that is when we are to get married."

My eyes widened as I could hear cheers in the background from the girls, apart from Lucy and Mirajane. "December 14? That's a week from now." I felt my heart crack as I said that.

I stared into Lucy's eyes as she stared back at me.

Apart from the distant chattering, the entire time Lucy and I made eye contact, it seemed as if we were the only two people in the room. Her fake smile immediately dropped as I could see her eyes start to water up.

She was just as heart broken as I was...

She swiftly wiped her tears away and turned away from her, whispering something to James before running back to her room.

As I stared at her leaving again, my entire body froze. It felt like I couldn't feel a thing and my heart had left my chest. "She saved a date..." I said to myself.

I felt a presence fly behind me as he patted my back in discomfort. "Natsu, are you okay?" Happy asked with a worried look on his face.

He hugged me from the side as my eyes widened in disbelief to what I was hearing. "December 14..."

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