37. "hands off, buddy"

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Lucy Heartfilia

Despite Natsu's plead on continuing or cuddle session, we both climbed out of bed and took a long hot bath together.

The reason why it took so long was that Natsu wanted James to find us here like this. But there was no way in Hell was i allowing that.

During this time, I had planned what to say to James. "Natsu, I'm nervous."

He shrugged nonchalantly, "just tell him you're not into him and lets get the hell outta here."

I glared at him and shook my head. He's heartless. "Our wedding is tomorrow,"


I rolled my eyes, "yes, sorry, I mean was tomorrow." Natsu was pretty impatient to leave here. If it was up to him, he'd take me right now and have James eventually figure out that I was dumping him.

What troubled me the most was that, as he said this morning, Natsu would be watching me break up with James. Explain that everything was over and that I was still in love with him.

It was as if he took a liking to watching him suffer, or something. "Isn't it kinda cruel to have you here; the person I told him NOT to worry about?"

"It's more cruel to force you in a marriage."

I frowned, "for the last time pinky, it was a mutual contract." He stuck out a tongue, refusing to listen and believed whatever he wanted.

I stared out the window, which gave me full view of the estates' large entrance gates, that soon opened with a large bunch, laughing and arguing all the way here.

I looked for my certain silky silver haired ex-fiancé march towards the doors, with a look of frustration and displeasure. "Crap, he looks mad. I don't know if this is a good idea."

Natsu scoffed, crossing his arms, "Luce stop chickening out, it doesn't suit you."

"You're so mean to me."

"I know you wanna be with me as much as I wanna be with you."

'Of course rejection and break ups look easy to him, he's done it many times already.'

My thoughts were interrupted as I heard my doors slammed open, revealing James. He did not look happy.

"Natsu?" He mumbled, brows furrowing as he stared long and hard at the pink haired dragon slayer behind me, who just smirked in victory. "W-what's he doing here?"

I flinched at the question, anxiously looking between the two men in front, as well as, behind me. "W-well.."

"Never mind that. Lucy," James shook his head, choosing to ignore his own question and took a step closer to me, Natsu instinctively doing the same, guarding me from behind.

James grabbed onto my hands and brought them together, close to his face. "We need to talk."

I heard a small growl from Natsu, not liking how close the two of us were, swatting his hands away from mine, and grabbing onto my shoulder, forcing me to step back. "Alright hands off, buddy."

"Natsu, stop."

"N-no, it's okay. It's better this way." James stammered. "I've come to a realization last night, when I was out with the guys."

I rose a brow in confusion, James continued. "Let's end our contract."

My eyes widened. "W-what?"

"The entire night, when we were at your former guild, a guy named 'Reedus' (?) showed me his paintings of your adventures."

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