13. "every single day"

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Lucy Heartfilia

I stared at the group that I hadn't seen since I left. I bit my lip as they all just looked at me in disbelief.

"Luce..." a voice that I fell in love with a year ago called out to me. A stab in the heart as I made eye contact with him, just to notice that his hands were holding Lisannas.

They're still together.

I couldn't run away, like the last time. If I were to abandon them just as I did a year ago, it would just make my situation worse since I have James now.

James.. James. How could I forget about my own fiancé. I turned to face him as he was still smiling bright, still unaware of the awkward situation were in.

"Sweetie I would like you to me-"

"Fairy Tail." I finished his sentence, leaving him confused as to how I already knew. "Honey remember that guild I told you about the first time we met.."

I gestured my hands to the group in front of us, as he just stared. "Oh.. this is the guild??" I chuckled and nodded my head.

I took a deep breath and sighed. I turned to the group and took a step forward as they never took their eyes off me. Especially a certain pink haired dragon slayer, whom I didn't want to see.

"I know you all must be wondering why I left..." I started. Nobody dared to make a move, but Erza was always bold. She took a step towards, right in front of me, her large body towering over mines.

In a swift move, Erza raised her hands and slapped me across the face. I heard the guards gasp, shuffling their feets about to subdue Erza for laying a hand on me. But before they could, Erza brought my head and slammed it against her armor, bringing me into a really uncomfortable hug.

"Dammit Lucy, do you know how worried we were?!" She cried, squeezing me. I chuckled, hugging her back as she continued to sob in my hair.

Soon enough, Levy and Happy came running towards me and Erza. Literally jumping onto us making it a group hug.


After the longest group hug of my life. We finally settled down and I began to explain.

"I just needed some time off from the guild.." I lied, my eyes glancing to a certain pink haired man, a.k.a the real reason why I left. "Guess you could say I was homesick, and just decided I would stay."

"Well you missed a lot." Juvia huffed annoyed. "Lucy is no longer Juvia's love rival as me and Gray-Sama is finally together!"

"Congratulations, Juvia!" I looked at the entire group and noticed some were paired, sitting down looking intimately with each other. "Well it seems Gray and Juvias not the only couple that got together."

"Lucy but look at you," Wendy squealed, "you're getting married soon!"

I smiled gently, turning to James and stared into his eyes lovingly. I really was in love with James. It took a whole year but Jamas really did grow on me.

I still love Natsu..

I gave James a quick peck on the lips, the girls of the guild all screamed in surprise. Except one.

I heard a growl come from a certain pink haired dragon slayer, taking my eyes off James to turn to Natsu.

His hair casted a shadow on his eyes, while I watched him grit his teeth. He stood up abruptly, catching the attention from the entire group. "I'm gonna go sleep."

Natsu stormed off, with Lisanna shortly following him. "That was... odd." James muttered.

"Don't mind him," Gray answered. "He's been looking for Lucy for a year, he's probably just annoyed that he forgot to check your home town."

Gray rolled his eyes as the guild all laughed, agreeing with him. "Hold on, he was looking for me?"

"Every single day."

I felt my heart skipped a beat as my cheeks flushed red slightly. Was he that worried for me?

I felt a light squeeze over my hands as I stared at the group unknowingly. My head turned to James, who hadn't let go of my hand the entire time.

He looked confused, concerned about me, James didn't even need to speak but i knew he was asking if I'm alright just by the look in his eyes.

I sighed, and changed the topic quickly. "Where is the rest of the guild. A year away but i never did stop thinking about you all!"

"Dont know," Levy shrugged. "Lulu, you should come visit, you know, if you have time with all your 'Princess' duties." She giggled, suggestively raising her brows at me.

I laughed as Levy never changed, even after a year shes still that same book wormed bestie that I've come to know and love.

"Gosh Lev," i exclaimed, "I totally forgot to show you our library. Its much bigger than the one at the guild, and of course, I added some romance novels to the collection!"

She squealed. "Oh my, lets go right now." Levy jumped up and down excited. Just as I was about to grab her and rush down to the library, two large dark arms scooped the small fragile girl easily, and threw her over his shoulders carelessly. Receiving an "omph" sound from Levy.

"Thats enough talking about books, Shrimp." Gajeel huffed im annoyance as a tick started to form on the side of his head. "Its past midnight, we needa sleep."

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