27. "he loves Lucy, he always has"

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Mirajane Dreyar

Lucy had sent word that she was finally coming home. I am going to kill them both if nothing changed between them yet. I trusted my match making skills, I mean I did set up almost all the couples in the guild.

I sighed happily as memories flooded my mind as I remembered all the confessions I forced out of all these young kids. I wouldn't complain if things between Natsu and Lucy did progress while I wasn't there to witness it, they were both late bloomers to true love. I stared at James and Lisanna who was having a small conversation. Sucks for them.

Jeez, Lisannas my sister. Snap out of it Mirajane!

"Wasn't Natsu and Lucy supposed to come back a couple days ago?" Erza asked, while being handed her fifth cake of the morning. Ever since James introduced their personal chef and allowed us to ask him for any kind of desserts or food, Erza and the boys has been working that poor old man to death. I haven't been very nice to him either though, but I blame this gluttonous baby of mines.

James nodded, "she had told me she went to visit your guild with Natsu." he replied, "I miss your guild."

As he said this, everyone had finally exited out of their rooms and joined us in the main area, where we had first hung out when entering this big mansion. "you should stop by," Gray grinned.  "That way you and Lucy can visit us once in a while, you know after you two get married."

Damn you Gray, don't be putting ideas into his head. As long as im here, I smirked, NALU WILL happen. This gave me an idea.

"James, do you know why Lucy left in the first place?" I asked subtly, I knew why she left and im guessing Lucy told James.

Soon enough, everyone started to hop on the trend and started to pressure him to give an explanation. He sighed defeatedly and hung his head down low, "she doesn't really like talking about it, and im not sure I wanna experience her Lucy Kicks just yet.." he hesitated. "But she told me it's because she was rejected by someone in your guild."

Everyone was dumbfounded, except for me of course. "Rejected? Who would reject Lucy, she was a goddess." Gray said, receiving an elbow to the stomach by a now angry and jealous Juvia. "Wait, the time she left... wasn't that the time Natsu had asked out Lisanna?"

Good job Gray!

This grabbed Lisannas attention, thinking silently to herself as everyone stared at her. "Now that I think about it after I confessed to Natsu, Lucy asked to have a moment with him by themselves.." she trailed off, looking slightly worried. "I wonder what they were talking about."

"Also," this scene was in my control now, but I just wanted to add a little gas to the fire. "They were both acting weird when we reunited again, don't you think?"

"Natsu and Lucy?" Gray pondered on that thought, "nah she's way too good for him."

Get out Gray.

"BUT!" I stammered, trying to lead the conversation again, "they were best friends right? it wouldn't be a surprise if she did catch feelings along the way of all their adventures."

"Out of all the boys, it would make sense for it to be Natsu. She wasn't that close to anyone else in the guild except for us right?" Erza added nonchalantly, she stared at the boys who were sitting on the couch clueless. "Did she confess to any of you?" They all replied with a no and now Erza was staring at her fiancé Jellal, who also shook his head. "Guess it was Natsu."

"I don't think we should be talking about that.. here." Levy trailed off as her eyes drifted to the two significant others, they were both lost in thought.

Everyone soon shut their mouths and averted the eyes away from them. Things were not uncomfortable. No point in pushing the subject more than I have already, ill just let things sit and absorb.

James was the first one to speak, "So Lucy liked Natsu, and they're out on a business meeting.." he muttered to himself. "you don't think im forcing her in this relationship, do you?"

Everyones eyes widened, with an awkward silence following his question. My mind was screaming yes, but I answered; "of course not James."

Gray nodded, "if Lucy wanted to end things with you James, she would have by now."

"Dont say that Gray," You're doing great sweetie! "Dont you worry about anything James, hopefully everything will fall into place soon."


I heard a small knock on my door, opening it to reveal my baby sister Lisanna. "Mira-nee." she sniffled. Her eyes were red and puffy and her cheeks seemed to be stained with tears. I didn't realize the conversation about those two would affect her this deeply.

I'm sorry, Lisanna, but this had to be done. "Honey," I turned to Laxus, "can I have a minute alone please?" he nodded and went outside. "What's wrong Lis?"

I already knew what was wrong.

I sent Natsu and Lucy on a mission together and I gave Lisanna the idea that Lucy had possible feelings for her boyfriend. "Natsu he-" she stuttered as a sob came out mid sentence. "He loves Lucy."

I was taken aback from this. Lisanna was smart, but when it came down to her love for Natsu she would usually be blind. But it seems these three nights without him shone a light upon her. A light of realization. "And Lucy.." she took in a deep breath, "she loves him."

"Lisanna.." I grabbed her into a hug as she continued to sob onto my shoulders. I wasn't sure what to tell her right about now. Heartbreak was a devastating time in a girls life, and to see my happy baby sister broken like this, it made me cry.

"I've known since the beginning, but-" she paused, "I love Natsu so much. I-I couldn't help myself. But he loves Lucy, he always has."

I stared at her sadly, "oh Lis, you don't know that-"

"I do." she interrupted. "Ever since Natsu came back from that little talk with Lucy, he had a look of regret. I didn't know what it was at first... I guess the regret was accepting me and rejecting her."

I was truly astonished, she was very strong. It would take some girls years to admit their faults, but Lisanna... she was insecure. I didn't realize my selfish acts would turn her this way. As much as I say in my head that this had to be done, I forgot that heartbreak would come along the way.

After Lisannas angry, heartfelt, sad rant, she had finally left, trying to keep her composure before she hurried to her room.

Seconds later, my husband appeared with a snack in hand exhausted. He must have been in the kitchen waiting for Lisanna to leave. "Sorry about that baby, Lisanna was feeling a little sad."

He nodded, joining me in bed and wrapped his arms around me in a tight cuddle, "wonder how James must be feeling."

"James?" I asked.

He shrugged his head and started to give me belly massages, he was standing next to your door, probably listening to your conversation. I would have told him to give you privacy, but well, this is his house and all."

Oh crap. I hope he hadn't heard the whole thing. It took Lisanna a year to develop a small concern for his feelings towards Lucy, but for James, who's all learning this in less than an hour... I was truly worried.

I sighed in frustration, running my hand through my hair. "Oh jeez, what did I do." I groaned slightly.

"Matchmaking again?" Laxus asked, sighing heavily. I nodded, pouting that he guessed my plans easily. "What's done is done. For now, honey, lets have Natsu and Lucy figure it out for themselves. That means you're done."

Night finally came, and so did the long awaited 'couple'. They came back home with a loving smile while their real significant other had a face full of worry. Lisanna and James stepped forward, standing in front of the blonde and pink haired mages. 


"Lucy" James and Lisanna said in unison, looking at their lover in the eye. "We need to talk."

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