16. "deep down, he's in love with you."

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Lucy Heartfilia

As soon as the meeting disbanded, i tiptoed my way to Mirajane and Laxus' room. I waited impatiently at their door waiting for someone to open it. It's pretty ironic how I have to wait for someone to open my door.

Soon enough, the door handle twisted as the door creaked slowly. There stood a huge blonde, chest out with pride yet face groggy, as if he just woke up. "Laxus," I greeted and he nodded noticing my presence.

I entered the room hurriedly, didn't even give him time to step aside. As soon as I seen Mira sitting on the bed grinning at me, I turned back to the large man behind me. "I need to talk to Mira if you dont mind," he nodded yet stayed put. "In private."

He rolled his eyes, and grabbed the towel that was laying on the coat hanger and walked towards the bathroom. "I'll be in the shower."

I waited until I heard the bath running, then turning to Mira. "What did you hear last night?"

She hummed. "Oh you mean, you and Natsu's little meeting in the kitchen?" She smiles innocently, sarcasm laced in her voice.

"Jeez Mira, you're making it sound like we had an affair-" she sipped her tea, "which we didn't!"

"Listen Lucy, I was there the entire conversation with you and Natsu. And by the way, were you always that dramatic?" She giggled.

I groaned, "what were you even doing downstairs in the first place."

"I'm pregnant, Lucy. I was craving a snack." She pointed at her large stomach. "I did appreciate the movie that came along with the the snack though."

I rolled my eyes at her. Just as I heard the shower turn off, I got up from their bed and walk towards their door. "He's love you, you know." I paused.

"He has Lisanna."

"He hasn't told anyone this but I know he's unhappy with her. When you left, he hasn't been the same. Deep down, he's in love with you. He may not know it yet, but I know it."

"Well it doesn't matter, I have James-"

"I mean no disrespect to your fiancé, Lucy, but forcing a marriage-"

"It's not forced." I stated.

"Sore let me rephrase that." She cleared her throat, "forcing a contracted marriage will only result in regret. I hope you know what you're doing, before you hurt the people you love."

Ms. Spetto hurriedly packed my bags for the trip. Now, all we were waiting for was Natsu and Happy. Thankfully, I knew exactly how long these two gets ready.

"Lucy you take forever to get ready, hurry it up!" Natsu yelled impatiently, laying down on my bed.

"Did you guys even pack yet, this mission is gonna take about three weeks, you know." I said while folding my clothes neatly into my mission bag.

"Oh please, all we need are boxers and fish, right Happy?"

"Aye sir." Unknowingly I smiled to myself, remembering the fun times I had. But soon enough, the two came rushing down, big grins on their faces just like they would on a regular mission.

"Hiya Lucy!" Happy flew towards my chest, hugging me tightly. "I'm so excited, just like old times huh!"

The corner of my eyes caught a glimpse of pink and white. They were whispering and giggling, seemed like they were just saying their goodbyes.

Until I seen Natsu snatch Lisannas waist and brought her closer, giving her multiple kisses all over her cheek and forehead.

I turned away quickly, just as a sharp pain pierced through my heart. I heard Lisanna giggling and whispered a "stop it Natsu."

"Deep down, hes in love with you."

Yeah right.

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