20. "i chose wrong"

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Natsu Dragneel

My vision was blurry. I could barely make out the scene, flashes of a white church and the "here comes the bride" music was all I could see and hear. Until a flash a gold hair appeared in front of me.

She was dressed in a beautiful white wedding gown, walking slowly towards me with Gray, giving her away... to me?

She slowly walked towards the steps and beside me. "Today we are gathered to wed this beautiful soul, Lucy Heartfilia-"

"Lucy?" I whispered. "So this is our wedding huh?" I grinned, my heart beating fast. She peeked at me smiling, excited just as I was.

"And James Sawarr."

Wait what?

Now, for some reason, my supposed bride was now 6 feet away from me, while I stood with my guy friends on the side. "I'm... a groomsman?" I stared at the other three groomsman, Gray, Gajeel, Laxus, and Jellal.

I couldn't breathe. "This doesn't feel right." I clutched onto my chest, stumbling foreword to Lucy, who straight out ignored me while just looking at her soon-to-be husband.

I grabbed her wrists, trying to force her gaze to me, but nonetheless, she was locked onto James. "This isn't what you want Luce."

It's like I was invisible, nonexistent. The priest continued to say his verse as I turned to the crowd. It was a bunch of people I hadn't met before, probably Lucy's business friends.

"Do you, James, take Lucy to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest asked.

I snapped my head at him. He was smiling and nodding at his fiancé. "I do." He replied.

"No.. please."

"And do you, Lucy, take a James, to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

I turned my head to Lucy. She was beautiful and breathtaking. "This isn't right Lucy.. he's not right for you!"

"Then who is?" A voice joined from behind me. I turned to the culprit, revealing a hair full of white and eyes with a hard glare.

Mirajane? What is she doing here.

She stepped foreword, "Natsu, how dare you?" My eyes widened, as she swung her hand across my face. "You lost Lucy the moment you chose my sister over her."

Lisanna? Suddenly, my white short haired girlfriend appeared. "I thought you loved me Natsu?" She began to sob, tears running down her face rapidly. Her soft cries being drowned out by the wedding music.

"Choose Natsu."

What? Choose? I-I can't choose.. I love Lis-

"Do you really love her Natsu?" Another voice from behind asked me. It was Lucy. This time, everyone disappeared, except for Lisanna, Lucy, and Mirajane. "Can you really afford losing me a second time?"

"N-no. I cant lose you Luce-"

"Then choose." Mira whispered into my ear. "Choose now."

My heart was racing. Lisanna is my girlfriend. Lucy was my best friend. There's only supposed to be one answer to this question. Yet.. why do I keep staring at the bride?

"Natsu?" A small voice called out to me. Lisanna again? "I love you Natsu. Please.. please don't do this to me."

She rushed towards me, hugging me as tight as she could. "So who will it be?"

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