38. "big mistake"

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Natsu Dragneel

The venue was the Heartfilia Garden, nearby two tombstones that read Jude and Layla Heartfilia. James had told me that it was Lucy's dream to be married in front of her parents, a nice tip for our wedding day.

As people began to gather inside, I took a nice long look at the setup. White table cloths with light pink flowers as well as light blue center pieces. All of Luce's favorite colors.

I knew that James had planned this entire thing and it really showed how much he catered to please her. And I would feel guilty for stealing her away from him. But what could I say, the heart wants what it wants; and my heart does what it pleases.

I was waiting on the sidelines, sitting in one of the chairs that were laid out in front of the decorated altar, where James was waiting with a smile. I gritted my teeth in annoyance, watching him look so pleased. Why? Because, this is exactly how my nightmares played out.

Him waiting for Lucy, and Lucy being sent off to a different man, right in front of me.

I could feel my blood boiling from the thought of it.

Lucy had told me last night that I've been grumpier and annoyed easier lately. And I finally understood what she means. The littlest things would trigger me nowadays; especially if it involved the blonde celestial mage, or the silver haired business man.

I could feel my possessiveness peek through in every little instance at a time. Not only that, but it was as if my natural instincts were yelling at me to destroy everything right here and now and have things go the way I wanted.

I furiously shook my head at the thought and tried to completely erase the idea. Lucy would never forgive me if I ruined this for her.

And I just got her back.

My feet begin to shake impatiently waiting for the love of my life to walk down the aisle to tell her guests 'April fools, I'm in love with Natsu.'

I sighed, knowing Lucy would never say that. But it would be so funny and great.

As I turned to look back every now and then to see if the supposed bride would show up soon, but instead I was met with hair of white and blue eyes. "Lisanna?"

She waved at me and gestured at the chair next to me, "is this seat available?" she asked sadly.

It wasn't like someone had reserved it, and she had every right to sit wherever she wanted, but I wasn't sure if that was a good idea. Lisanna was a complete angel, but I knew how tricky she was. "I'm with Lucy, you know..." I furrowed my brows, trying my absolute best to break it down to her nicely.

She was there when we had announced that we were officially together, and I obviously noticed how heartbroken she was behind the forced smile. But I couldn't comfort her as much as she wanted to. The last time I did that, it almost costed me Lucy,

She paused and nodded, "I know Natsu, I just wanted to talk... If that was alright with you." I hesitantly nodded my head and she sat right next to me, also staring ahead of her, watching James with a weak frown.

"I always thought this would be us someday.." She spoke quietly. I didn't reply as I could feel the guilt crash onto me. "Did you ever dream of getting married to me?"

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