Chapter 8: Rookie

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On the train to the Wild Area, Heather studied her photo of the books on Desiderio's stall. She hadn't read any of them. She didn't have time. The content of some, like the biographies, was obvious. She knew exactly what 'The "Shadow Incident"' and 'The Cipher Years' were about. She also knew 'Fire Agate' was a story of a life ruined by Cipher, but it was an autobiography rather than a non-fiction book. It wasn't inherently suspicious that books about Cipher and Shadow Pokémon were for sale on a stall 6,000 miles from Orre. Thanks to all the famous Trainers hailing from Orre – not to mention those who moved there, like Leon, or even Blue Oak and his son, Toru – people finally knew Orre existed. They were fascinated by the chaos there. Besides, Cipher and their Shadow Pokémon were taken down in Galar once already, 54 years ago.

But what the hell is 'Surrounded by Chatot?'

Roto-Search told her it was a new novel about 'yes men.' That wasn't suspicious, either. Everyone was apparently reading it. 'Bones' was literally about bones. Some of the others that Heather assumed were novels were actually biographies, like 'In Search of a Thrilling Battle,' which was the biography of Sinnoh's strongest Gym Leader, Volkner. 'Problems in Paradise' was about the dark side of Aether Paradise in Alola. At least Heather correctly guessed that 'Black & White' was about the history of Unova. The last one she looked up was 'Forever Home.' It was a collection of 'heartwarming' stories about adoption.

Does that tell me anything? Seems kind of random amongst a bunch of biographies. I mean, so is 'Surrounded by Chatot,' but that's new and popular. This one isn't. Did someone adopt Rigel? Does he like that book because his adoption went well, or because he wishes it did? Or am I getting way ahead of myself? Whatever. There's nothing suspicious about it, so it doesn't concern me... yet.

It was past 6 AM in Orre. Perry would be fast asleep by now. Heather wouldn't hear from him until someone shook him awake after he snoozed his alarm for an hour.

'Next stop, Wild Area. Wild Area. Please mind the gap between the train and platform. Next stop, Wild Area.'

Scorbunny peered eagerly out of the window at the approaching station that interrupted the endless green vista of rolling hills. Heather stroked its ears.

That's a really cute li'l Pokémon.

Heather's great-grandparents, Leon and Abbey, once stepped off that very train onto that platform to marvel at the expanse of hills, fields, woods, cliffs and the distant Motostoke skyline and viaduct. Abbey's Scorbunny leapt off her head to rush out as excitedly as Heather's did. There was a huge difference, however: Heather was alone. Leon and Abbey were with Sonia, Raihan and another childhood friend, Janice.

'What a view, eh?'

Scorbunny agreed. The crisp breeze carried the smell of burnt curry. Three Gym Challengers and a Hiker sitting around a pot were responsible. Once Heather walked past them towards a lake reflecting the skyline, the only sounds she heard were her own footsteps, the cries of Pokémon and sloshing water. She glanced around before releasing her Clawitzer to swim.

So... I need to catch some Pokémon.

Grey clouds gathered. Rain began to patter down. Scorbunny knocked out several Metapod and Bunnelby and learned Double Kick. Heather returned Clawitzer. She gradually released the rest of her Pokémon – Crobat, Garchomp, Glaceon, Dragapult and Lurantis – separately for brief stretches. A few travellers, including the very boy Heather was hoping to see, saw Garchomp and Dragapult; but since they were released separately, they were all assumed to be wild Pokémon. It was common to see frighteningly strong Pokémon in the Wild Area.

Beams of red shot from active Pokémon Dens into the clouds. Dynamax Pokémon could be found in them. Heather had a Dynamax Band from Leon, which she told Hessie she ordered online. She was yet to use it. She wasn't worried. Her experience would keep her safe, or so she thought as she approached a den with a blinding bright beam.

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