Chapter 84: Different

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Spikemuth was known for a punk scene that was reflected in its gritty appearance. Neon signs shone brighter than the broken streetlamps and the few rays of sunlight that broke through the weather-beaten roof. Sable, the Gym Leader, was a graffiti artist as well as a musician. Residents were proud of her murals on their walls.

Heather, Hessie and Bard were soaked and frozen. Although Bard's Rillaboom was a surprisingly good swimmer, it was exhausted after an hour in the frigid waters of the Circhester Bay. He couldn't turn back. Hessie had her Rotom Bike, so she let Bard balance on her Lanturn, but he fell off several times. Hessie herself skidded on an iceberg and landed headfirst in the water. Even Heather fell in when her bike malfunctioned.

They heard Spikemuth before they saw the walls blocking any views of the polluted ocean beyond. A noisy band played at the Gym. Bard knew them. They were the support act, but his sister played the drums for the main act, High Flyers, for which Vega also sang and Sable played guitar.

'Their crowds get a bit scary,' Bard said, 'But you can't come to Spikemuth and not see them! Come on!'

Merchandise stands lined the high street. Sable's Gym Trainers acted as security guards. Although the show sold out as soon as tickets went on sale, the Gym Trainers stood aside for Bard and his friends.

Khalid chatted to Nathan at the bar. Amber and Johona were already in the crowd somewhere, but Nathan felt far too old and infirm for that. He didn't really feel like dancing at all. Khalid spilled his beer when he waved to the Gym Challengers. He was clearly drunk. Hessie gave the Wishing Stars they collected to Nathan instead. His glass was filled with Sitrus juice.

That was for the best. Khalid lost his wallet when Ace pulled him back into the mosh pit as soon as High Flyers took the stage. Heather glanced at her phone before she ran in. She was relieved to see a text from Pluto asking where she was. He said he would join her soon.

Heather had seen Perry's punk band several times. The wild crowd was nothing new to her, but it certainly was to Hessie. She crawled out. Several songs later, she returned tipsy. Heather had lost Bard by then. He was unwillingly lifted off his feet and accidentally crowdsurfed backwards. When he eventually found them again, he brought Pluto, who looked terrified.

Pluto had never been to Spikemuth, let alone a rock concert, before. The voices of the dancing Pokémon were even louder than the music to him. He couldn't imagine that they wanted to be crushed and even separated from their Trainers when everyone crashed into each other, but they did. They were having fun. They wanted nothing more than to be there.

Hessie's Claydol floated off to buy another beer. A red boot whacked her in the face. Rillaboom grabbed her before she fell. Her nose bled. Heather hoped Perry would fall flat on his face for that, although she might have appreciated it if she had seen him accidentally elbowing Arlene when she tried to force her way in to reach Pluto.

Perry was a little unnerved by the hatred in Arlene's eyes. He sidestepped to the bar instead of launching himself off again, but found Nathan rolling his eyes at him there.

'Hey! That chick's being just as shitty as me! Look at her pushing!'

'She is being a little bitch. I'll give you that.'

'Thank you, Spikemuth!'

The show was coming to an end.

'This song goes out to all of you! Except Khalid Fayed!'

Khalid was drunk enough to hold up his middle finger in response. Ace whistled. Khalid and Vega glared. Ace giggled. That got him launched off at an awkward angle he couldn't correct before tumbling into the drum kit. The song ended without any drums. The band waved and disappeared behind a chain-link fence. Ace snatched Vega's setlist and gave it to Khalid. Several fans snapped photos of him kissing it. Vega had no idea what to think when they appeared on her Rotogram feed. Did he like her? Did it matter? Probably not. She liked him so much that it would only ever annoy her.

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