Chapter 82: The Offer

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Pluto sat on the edge of the drawbridge when he returned to the castle. Jahzeel immediately spotted him. He rushed down.

'Your Majesty, the floor is unfit for a king. Why not sit where you truly belong in your throne?'

'What am I the king of, Grandfather...?'

He still believed that Jahzeel was Rigel's father. Rigel was a good, albeit odd, man. Could his father really be so evil?

'A better world where Pokémon and children will be safe. That is still what you wish to see, is it not?'

Pluto only noticed that Arlene was beside Jahzeel then. She hastily bowed.

'And we will serve you loyally, Your Majesty. I agree with Lord Jahzeel. The floor isn't fit for a king. Come to the throne room.'

He agreed simply because a Grunt – which was actually Enn's Zoroark – looked a little too interested in their conversation. The throne room was empty and its walls thick. Pluto still sat on the floor. He got sick of Arlene's Flareon nudging him, so he eventually did as they wished and sat on the throne.

'But Grandfather... that girl I met... she's genuine. I'd never met someone who loves Pokémon as much as I do until I met her...'

'She's lying!' Arlene blurted out, 'It's all a show to trick you! She–'


Jahzeel held up a stern hand to cut her off. 'Lord Pluto is the king. If it is what he truly wants, he may bring Heather to the castle. And if we are sure she is worthy of him, he may ask her to be his queen.'

Jahzeel still hoped it wouldn't come to that, but his words had the effect he intended. Pluto saw Arlene's soul shattering. He felt it. She couldn't hide her suddenly strangled breathing or her shoulders shaking. If Jahzeel was willing to accept Heather, to say so in front of the promised bride, how could he want anything but the best for Pluto?

He had spent too long in that castle, too long listening to his 'advisor,' to realise that his thoughts were scrambled from the moment he walked in. He forgot everything Heather and her friends suggested that he asked Jahzeel. He forgot he was fed enough at Bede's house, but not there. He forgot how certain he was that even Bede, a stranger, wouldn't leave him to shiver through the winter like Jahzeel did. It was Zorua who reminded him to take the train. If it hadn't, he would have forgotten. He couldn't think for himself in the castle. Zorua could because it was young, but even Zoroark and its teammates had lived in fear there for so long that their minds turned hazy in those lofty halls. Jahzeel knew it.

He came up with countless conversations to condition Pluto back into Team Plasma. He wouldn't need them. Their surroundings did the work for him.

'However, my lord... Team Plasma has a bad reputation, as you know. We have been deeply misunderstood thanks to the links to Cipher. I have been misunderstood because of my own father. I doubt your friend will trust me... but it should not matter. You are the king. You, alone, rule Team Plasma. I may give you advice, but you are free to ignore it. I have no power. I do hope she can understand.'

Even though Zorua knew Jahzeel couldn't hear it, it was too frightened to speak to Pluto in his presence. Its eyes willed him to see through his 'advisor.' He didn't understand exactly what Zorua wanted, but he did understand that it wanted him to leave, even if only for a moment. He stood.

'Excuse me.'


Arlene seized his wrist. Trails of mascara streaked down her cheeks.

'You can't go! You're safe here! If you go back – she'll just brainwash you again!'

'Arlene. Let His Majesty go.'

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