Chapter 21: The Flying Badge

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Despite the half-capacity crowd, there was a longer queue of challengers at Turffield Gym the next day. Hazel's Scorbunny was released from hospital. It wouldn't be battling, but now she knew Steelix was gone, she felt confident enough to battle with the other Pokémon she caught. Laverne returned for a rematch. Hessie finally caught up to her friends. She was as anxious as ever, but proud that she made it through the Wild Area and Galar Mine without incident. Grookey evolved into Thwackey. She also caught a Growlithe and Baltoy.

'If we all get our Flying Badges,' Ralph excitedly babbled, 'Let's have a Multi Battle!'

'Oh... I'd be very nervous...'

Hessie smiled at Heather's encouraging nod.

'But I'd really like to battle with you, Garnet.'

'Better beat Vega, then.'

'Let's do it... we can do it!'

She was encouraging herself more than anyone else. Heather was first in the queue. She approached the desk.

'Welcome back, Challenger Garnet. Would you like to do the Gym mission again, or go straight to the locker room?'

Did anyone actually want to redo the Gym mission? Heather could live without ever being swept off her feet and slammed into a wall by industrial propellers again.

'Straight to the locker room, thanks.'

She was escorted there by a League Staff member. Ralph and Teddy followed. Laverne had no choice but to redo the mission, because he lost last time. While he was flung into walls and groaned about his aching back, Heather was beckoned onto the pitch. She wondered how Vega was feeling. The realisation that she could see auras came with the realisation that she could be turned into a Shadow Trainer. She had to be nervous... but that all left Heather's head as she stepped out to be enveloped by the rumble of the lively crowd. It was impossible to tell there were less people there. If Vega was nervous, she didn't show it as she faced her opponent with a smile.

'Top of the morning to you, Garnet! The challenger endorsed by the Champion himself, eh? Feels like I'm walking on air when I get to face someone like you! Let's go!'

'Go, Joltik!'

'Go for it, Corvisquire!'

Joltik was fully charged after sleeping in a socket. It scuttled to wrap Corvisquire in Electroweb. Corvisquire kicked Sand Attack back. Joltik's next two Electrowebs missed as Corvisquire wore it down with Peck. These battles with weak Pokémon reminded Heather of her childhood, but she couldn't really enjoy them back then, because she had to train her Pokémon to survive. Now, at least while she was on the pitch, she could relax.

The next Electroweb hit, but Corvisquire sprang back up and knocked Joltik out. Heather sent out Snorunt. Ice Shard flew faster than the eye could see. It struck Corvisquire in the skull. It fainted. Vega sent out Dartrix. Heather's Pokémon weren't actually as strong as hers. She didn't battle enough on the way there. The crowd roared with approval when Dartrix survived the doubly-effective Ice Shard and used Double Team. Snorunt's attack missed. Dartrix used Double Team again. Another attack missed. Then Dartrix used Confuse Ray. Snorunt hit itself with Ice Shard in confusion.

Guess I should've read up about these Gym Leaders, eh, Perry? But if I lose, at least I'll look legit.

Snorunt was knocked out by Razor Leaf. As Heather sent out Scorbunny, her last Pokémon, she glanced down at her Dynamax Band from Leon.

No! Wait! I can't lose! I'll have to deal with the propellers again!

Did this warrant using the Dynamax Band? Apparently so, because Vega was holding hers out.

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