Chapter 87: The Dragon Badge

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While Heather sat stunned in the locker room, with a drunken Laverne insisting everything would be alright, Caroline convinced Jahzeel to summon all members of Team Plasma to the castle. They were to 'prepare to take the king's orders.' Caroline actually gave Jamie the coordinates of every entrance. All of the direct ones were concealed in Glimwood Tangle, but there was one that surprised the International Police. In that apartment block in Stow-on-Side, the toilet tipped backwards to reveal a steep staircase to Team Plasma's Stow-on-Side Station. They wouldn't need that one, anyway. They would enter the castle directly and arrest everyone inside. Local police squads prepared to help.

'The king has spoken!'

Jahzeel's voice boomed through the castle. The last Grunts ran from the station as the drawbridge was pulled up. There was no sign of Victor's killer. With Pluto back in the lab, Jahzeel was sure it didn't matter. He didn't need her. It was quite possible that he wouldn't even need Eternatus, but if he did, it was right there in her room since the factory was destroyed.

'Our plan will commence!'

Metal creaked somewhere. It was followed by a loud rumbling. The floor shook. Grunts hurriedly shut the curtains that remained open. Many had no idea what was about to happen. They glanced around in confusion. Heath looked at Enn. He assumed the International Police were blocking the stairwells so no-one could escape, but could it be that when Jahzeel seemed so calm? He didn't just seem calm. He grinned like a spoilt child presented with another lollipop. He whispered something to Caroline. She read from the teleprompter that was switched on behind the crowd.

'Team Plasma... is family. Team Plasma is the future. Team Plasma is the path of the enlightened... those who accept that truth and ideals cannot coexist.'

Jahzeel elbowed Volo.

'OK, OK!'

He sighed and squinted to read the next message from the teleprompter.

'Outsiders... had the chance... to join Team Plasma. 28 years have passed as our... prophet... Lord Jahzeel... waited in the abyss...'

At first, Caroline thought his vision was failing, but it seemed that he found reading those messages as painful and embarrassing as she did.

'For our great king... to appear as the foretold Split Hero... to finally create the new, ideal world. Those who refused to choose Team Plasma... are an insult to our king... and anyone who insults our king is an enemy...'

Victor's killer wasn't there, but then she rarely was. She was still technically an Admin. Jahzeel recorded her message a long time ago.

'In our ideal world, nature will be restored! Pokémon – the perfect beings, the most superior of Almighty Arceus' creations – will be separated from pathetic, undeserving people! We, their saviours, will be recognised by Almighty Arceus as equals!'

Rigel's voice was the next to play over the speakers. No matter how many times Jahzeel battered him with the cane, he still stuttered.

'T-T-Team... Team... Plasma... is... is... justice. Justice will... will... will... will prevail...'

Jahzeel threw up his arms.

'The time has come!'

Heather was oblivious to everything, including whatever upset Pluto, when she stepped out onto the pitch. So was Tatsuko. She noticed that Heather's mind was elsewhere, but assumed she was nervous.

'Welcome! You've bested every Gym Leader in the Galar region but me. Do you know how fantastic of an accomplishment that is? But I hope you're ready to unleash your full potential on me, because if not, your Gym Challenge ends here!'

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