Chapter 108: Lost Forever

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Triton eventually added the concerns about Wish to the huge case file in the app. Alolan police already arrested Faba for omitting how he helped Poppy. Since Autumn read the notes about Wish, she asked an International Police officer on holiday in Alola to help the local cops interrogate Faba.

Like Gideon, Faba was a cowardly 'yes man.' He threatened the local police with legal action, but at the sight of an International Police badge, he caved. He pleaded for a shorter sentence in exchange for admitting that, for four years before Poppy even met Karot or Hera, he told her all he knew about Ultra Space and allowed all employees under his command to do the same. He was fully aware that an ex-Team Genesis scientist worked at Aether Paradise. Poppy met up with him during her last visit.

'Why?' the bewildered officer asked Faba, 'Why was Poppy so interested in Ultra Space?'

'Well... if you must know... she admired her great-grandmother and ran a blog.'

'What kind of blog?'

'Why, one about Ultra Space and the Ultra Beasts, of course. I've no interest in listening to the uncouth noise that is any rock band, but I'm told she sings about such things. Examine her lyrics, perhaps?'

Faba didn't care what Poppy's motives were. He always wanted to be the president of the Aether Foundation, but since he was demoted for enabling Lusamine's madness, Gladion never promoted him beyond 'junior scientist.' Even at 101, he feebly hoped Gladion would die before he did, that Poppy might inherit the foundation and consider at least promoting him to Branch Chief again. He couldn't tell the police what she really wanted; only that he gave her information that would allow her – providing she gained access to a Solgaleo or Lunala and appropriate protective gear – to safely traverse Ultra Space to wherever she wished. They already figured that.

'But you knew of Team Genesis to know the true identity of a man you employed.'

'Well, yes. I was on vacation in Seri when that terrible man, Wish, put his plot into action. But everybody deserves a second chance, wouldn't you say? That scientist was a talented and friendly man.'

'This is serious business. You're going to Gatas if you don't tell the full story.'

'Aiyee! Don't be so dramatic! Please!'

'Then tell the truth. It went deeper than that. Didn't it?'

'Fine! I knew that scientist was Chamnong Fukuzawa's right-hand man! Or, to be precise, his husband... who is not dead at all...'

'That's not the end of it, either.'

'Well... they may or may not have used the Aether Foundation's knowledge and facilities to plan their own trip to somewhere in Ultra Space. I don't know where! And that is the absolute truth! I, Faba, am not interested in other people's ambitions. Only my own. That is also the absolute truth!'

'Yeah, I believe that much. But there's one more thing, isn't there?'

'...Do you not have the wherewithal to work that out for yourself? To enter Ultra Space, one needs an Ultra Wormhole. And that blue-haired ho– ahem. That Chamnong Fukuzawa could hardly show up at the Altar of the Sunne and Moone with the entirety of Team Genesis, could he? So I am indeed aware they used a Cosmog. And that is the end of my knowledge. I truly do not care to learn more about those awful thugs!'

Faba was still going to prison for the rest of his life. He certainly wasn't ever returning to the Aether Foundation. By the time that young officer left him at the police station and flew to Aether Paradise, Autumn arrived from Unova.

'Well, this explains how Poppy and her friends expect to survive at their destination... there are already people there. Sir. Please enter the lab ahead of me to ensure that Vitthaya Fukuzawa cannot escape via any other exit.'

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