Chapter 1

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(the picture is Isabella)
Hi I am Isabella and I am 16 years old. I have dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. I am a very shy person but once you get to know me I tend to be very funny and weird. I am the type of person who is at the back of the classroom either listening to the teacher or listening to music while drawing. I have been bullied since I was in 6th grade plus things at home aren't that great. My mom's husband (not my dad) basically hates me and so does his family. If you ask me, no I was not like this before. When I was little I used to have so many friends that cared for me but it seems as if now I have lost them. When I was little I would always have a smile on my face and would always be joking around but things started to take another turn. I live in Australia but I was born in New York. As I always say my mom is the best because she always defends me when her husband talks bad about me. It all started out when I was in 4th grade I was new to this school and I was so shy but turned so happy when I made friends. Then it turned out I only had 4 "real" friends. No matter what happened they would always be there for me. When we got to middle school a new girl approached our group and we gave her a kind and loving welcome. But from far away I could see that her intensions weren't good. My friends started to make fun of me, insult me, treat me as their slave, and sometimes even take my things and say it was theirs. Then at home my mom's husband would basically blame me for everything, even the smallest thing. His family would talk bad about me and would exclude me from anything. At school I was almost everyday in detention for skipping class and mostly never turned in homework and always got F on the tests. I would cry myself to sleep every single day but when I got to high school it got even worse.

As I walked through the halls I could hear the snickering "She's such a w****" "why can't she die already". I tried holding in my tears and just walked in the bathroom to find my ex-friends applying more make up than they needed. "Hey look its the nerd, are you here to cry and then cut so you could feel better" said Ashley. Then I just heard laughter. After that they just took turns hitting me and left me bleeding and bruised on the floor. I had to be strong so I cleaned myself up and then headed to my Biology class. "Why are you late again Miss Lockwood?" The teacher asked, anger showing in his tone. "I was just helping the secretary with a few papers" I said hoping he would believe me. "Just sit down and turn to page 189" As I walked to my seat I got a few glares and then ..... Someone tripped me.... I hit the hard cold floor trying my best to ignore all the laughter around me. I didn't want to look up as I kept on walking to my seat. Once I reached it I just sat and tried listening but something caught my attention. "You are a worthless human being, you are a mistake, your parents must hate you" I instantly recognized that voice. It was Nick, he has been bullying me since 7th grade and not just verbally but also physically. Anger rushed through me but also sadness as to agreeing to what he said. Am I really that worthless. This type of things make me regret living. I just tried my best to ignore it but I knew that there was going to be a punishment for doing that. Class ended and I headed for lunch. My favorite spot to sit at is under a willow tree behind the school. It's so quiet that you could hear a pin needle drop. The feeling of just relaxing is wonderful especially since no one went there. I sat there thinking until the thought about my homework came to my mind and I had to walk to my locker. Looking down, just scared to look but then I felt a presence next to me and I knew what was coming. I was pushed against the lockers punched in the stomach, punched in the eye and many other punches came towards me. As the abuser felt satisfied they started to walk away. I instantly recognized them as Nick and his gang. I felt sad because Nick and I used to be best friends and now he is my bully. This was my usual lunch beating. I had to regain strength and decided to skip school and just walk to the park as my mom was working and her husband might be home or at work. I sat there thinking of how horrible was my life. I usually take away my pain by cutting but today I just wanted to draw. I sat on the swing and started to draw. I reached home the same usual fight between my mom and her husband so I decide to go to sleep.

Next Day....

My alarm was so annoying but anyways I had to be up. I took a shower and then got dressed put on a little make up to cover my bruises, ate some delicious breakfast, and headed to the prison. I had to walk or take my skateboard, but I decided to walk. I got to class without being hit but still very hurt because of all the "Fat" "Ugly" "Die" "Attention seeker" that I got. I sat. Something about today felt different...

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