Chapter 30

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Kate's POV

After Bella and Andrew left, Jayden and I were left all alone since Sky and Nick had left us to go dance. Jayden is very cute, but I don't know much about him. I do want to get to know him, but I'm kind of nervous since I don't know if it's true what my parents said. I might be staying here and starting school with Bella and Sky, but first my parents need to get a job transfer to this city. That's why I haven't mentioned it to anyone.

"Hey, um, do you maybe want a drink?"
Once he said this, I could tell he was as nervous as I was.

"Sure, I'd love one"

"What do you want me to bring you? "
I could tell that he wasn't as nervous as before. It was slowly wearing off.

"Umm, well, I think a Coca Cola would be nice. And thank you again for getting me a drink."

"Ok, and don't worry about it its fine"
With said he gave me a smile and left to get the drinks. I'm really hoping my parents do get the job transfers because I really like it here.

5 minutes later Jayden brought us our drinks and we started talking trying to get to know each other so that it wouldn't be so awkward. Basically this night was amazing. We danced, laughed and talked for a long time. If I do get the chance to stay here I want to get to know Jayden better. He seems like a really nice guy.

Sky's POV

Nick is an amazing dancer, since not many people know that he took hip hop and breakdancing classes. I felt bad for leaving Kate alone, but I can tell she thinks Jayden is cute, so I wanted to let them get to know each other. Nick and I have basically took over the snacks tables. Hahahahaha, Nick looked like a squirrel while eating lots of cupcakes. I probably did too, OMG that's so embarrassing!!. But, anyways, what I have been wanting to say is that I like Nick, ever since the first day of high school I have had a crush on him. He acted all tough, but I knew that he had a sweet side to him. And once I started getting to know him better I started to find out that he was way more than just tough and sweet, he is an overall great guy.

He is always making me laugh, he makes me smile when I'm sad, he knows what good advice to give when I really need it. And I will always thank Bella for introducing me to him because since then I have gotten to know the real him. But, anyways today has been great. Lots of dancing, singing along horribly to songs, eating all the food at the dance, but mostly making amazing memories with my friends.

Brandon's POV (yayyyy he's back!!! :D)

So, after I got the record deal lots of amazing opportunities came up. Melanie and I are still getting to know each other, but I'm planning to take her to a picnic at the beach (on Valentines Day) and after we eat I will sing for her the song Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran and I will tell her what I feel for her and ask her to be my girlfriend.

I have been waiting so long for this moment. I'm extremely nervous. I really like her. She's made me laugh more, and simply become happier. When I first came here I was kind of depressed, because of leaving my old life all in Australia. Left all my friends and family to go live in a country were I only knew my aunt, my uncle and my cousin. But, then I met her in my new high school and she introduced herself to me and in a matter of time we became friends. I really hope she says yes.

Hey Guys!!! I'm very sorry, I know that I had promised a chapter sooner, but lots of school stuff came over. I really hope you guys like this chapter and please tell me what you think about it. I hope you guys have a great day!! :D

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