Chapter 27

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      I decided to change my shirt into a white one and to put on my green army colored jacket and my white converse. I put on my regular make up and decided to just put my hair into a messy ponytail. I got my phone, house keys, and my small side purse and left. I left on my skateboard with my earphones on. Fly by Sleeping with Sirens sounding through them. I didn't live that far away from his house so that was why I choose this method of transportation. As I grew closer to his house small butterflies started making a party in my stomach.

      I knocked on his door and it opened right away. There stood Andrew looking as if he had been running a marathon. "Hey" he said and gave me a hug. "Hi" I said while hugging him. "C'mon in, we'll leave in just a second. I just need to get something." With that he goes upstairs. I am waiting for him in his living room and in a flash he returns and we leave to the bowling alley. We had an amazing time. Andrew had to show me how to bowl and then in a flash I was ahead in the game. We ate some delicious hamburgers and drank some milkshakes and we were always doing jokes and playing little pranks on each other. Then he dropped me off at my house. "Thank You for tonight I had an amazing time" I told him once we were in front of my house door. "I'm glad, and thank you for coming with me"he said while looking at the floor while slightly ruffling his hair. I took some new confidence that I had found and gave him a kiss on the cheek. I felt sparks as soon as my lips touched his skin. He turned crimson red and so did I. "Goodnight beautiful" "Goodnight handsome" and with this he left to his car and I went into my home.

    I was so happy!!!! I couldn't believe I did that and said that. I would have never been capable of doing that. I just started building up a lot of courage and that was why I was able to do that. I went up to my room took a shower, put on some sleeping shorts, a baggy shirt and went straight to sleep.

     I woke up at 6:30am and decided to wear some light colored jeans, a white shirt with a simple design on it, a jean light and sleeveless jacket and my white converse. I put on my make up and curled my hair. I ate breakfast and went to school. I went to my first class and had a lot to copy. As Friday grew closer, the more nerves I had. I had not see Sky around anywhere, so I decided to ask Nick. "Hey Nick, have you seen Sky?". "Hey Bella, yesterday she said she had a doctor's appointment". "Ohhh OK, thank you, so how have you been?". "I've been doing good, making more friends and I like it, how about you?". "Im doing good, lots of cool things happening" "That's awesome, hey Bella, do you wanna hang out today? I could pick you up if you want" "Sure that would be cool, at what time should I be ready?". "I'll pick you up at 4:30". "Okay, see you later Nick" "Bye Bella"

    When it was 3pm I headed home to do my homework and to eat something. I was stuck on a math problem, but finally after 10 minutes of trying I figured it out. I had to get some groceries so I went in my car and got everything I needed as well as some fast food. I was watching Once Upon A Time when I heard a honk outside my house, so I grabbed the necessary and went out the door and into Nick's car. "Hey what's up?" Nick said. "Nothing much really I was just went to get some groceries but everything good what about you?". "Nothing much just watching TV shows, as well as doing homework" "That's cool! So where are we going?"

(N): "I was thinking maybe we could go to the park near my house and we could play some basketball."
(I): "Yeah that's awesome! I haven't played in a long time and I miss it"

So just then we arrive at the park to the basketball court and I was really excited because I haven't played in a long time, but I feel like I might loose. "Ready to lose Lockwood" I fake laughed at this " Yeah right, are you ready to lose Warren". "Haha yeah right Lockwood" So with this we started the game. First Nick was ahead by two points but I was fighting so hard to get in front and to actually beat him, but I lost. " How about round two Warren?" I said this as I smiled evily. "Nah I'm good Lockwood, let's go home" I laughed a little and left to the car with him. He dropped me and I said "Thanks Nick I had a really fun time". "No problem Bella, see you tomorrow" I gave him a quick hug and left to step inside my house. I took a shower and remembered that I didn't even have a dress for the dance this Friday, so I decided to go dress shopping.

I bought a beautiful short black dress. Its sleeveless and it had a skirt that was only a little bit higher than my knees. It was beautiful. I was going to combine it by having my hair in a braided crown with two small pieces of hair sticking out in the front and some black heels. I was going to do a very soft looking make up so it didn't look too strong for the occasion. Now I could finally change and go to sleep.
Hey Guys! Since I haven't written in a while I decided to do a double update. I hope you guys like it! :) Hope you guys have a great day! :D

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