Chapter 28

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      Today is Friday. The day of the dance. I'm so nervous. I don't know what to do. My clock says its 3:10 since I just arrived from school. All that comes to mind is the dance. "Will I step on his feet? I hope not. But what if I trip and fall on the snacks table. Wait! But what if I fall on the punch." Sky had come over to my house to help each other get ready for the dance since Nick had asked her to go with him. "Bella, calm down. None of that is going to happen. You will have a great time and have lots of dreamy slow dances were he will deeply stare in your eyes and the he will lean in and...." I snapped my fingers in front of her face since she was daydreaming. "Sky, snap out of it. That would be amazing, but I don't even think he likes me." "ARE YOU CRAZY! Haven't you seen the way he looks at you? His eyes sparkles every time you smile. And I can tell you do the same for him.". "You really think so Sky? But what if we are wrong? Can you tell that much that I like him?" "Well kind off, it was hard at first, but then I figure it out. And FYI I don't think we are wrong".


     "Who could it be?" I said. "Are expecting anyone?" "Not really Sky, let's go check" with this we went downstairs to see who it was. As I open the door I'm greeted by a very excited looking Katherine. I havent seen her in about probably a couple of years. "OMG!!!! I have missed you sooo much!! How have you been?" I said as I gave her a big hug. I was so excited to see her that I couldn't contain my happiness. "Yayyyy!!! I know right, its been a couple of years. I have missed you soo much too!!!!! I have been great! I came to visit for about a week and I'm staying in this really pretty hotel." " Yayy I'm so happy!!! So this is my friend Sky (Sky says hi and Katherine says hi back) and now that you're here you can help us get ready for the dance, you can come as well.". "Yeah it's true we really need lots of help specially calming this one out" and Sky points at me. "Yeahh it's true, umm c'mon let's go get ready" We headed upstairs to get ready. I let Kate (nickname) pick whatever she wanted to use from my closet to the dance. Sky was using a dark blue dress that had a heart shape in the front and it was a hi-low type of dress. It had very pretty beading at the top. And Kate was going to use a pink dress that had 3\4 sleeves and a cute and simple skirt. Sky did my make up and Kate did Sky's make up. I ended up doing Kate's make up, which I was really scared of how it was going to turn out, but it looked good. Nick and Andrew were going to meet us there and I had texted them that my friend Kate was here so they said they were going to bring their friend Jayden with them.
       Once we were ready we headed downstairs to leave for the dance.
Hey Guys! I'm so sorry that this chapter is so short, but its because I want to dedicate the other chapter to rpthe dance. I hope you guys like it! :) Hope you guys have a nice day! :D

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