Chapter 17

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Still Brandon's POV

"Well... I'm moving to California"

Isabella's POV

I couldn't believe what I just heard my closest friend is moving across the world. Why didn't he tell me earlier. I didn't know what was happening until a tear slipped down my cheek. "Why?" That was all I could say. I said it barely audible because of how sad I am. "I'm sorry that I didn't tell you but I didn't want you to get sad. I want you to know that no matter how far away I am, I will always be there for you. You can always count on me. I.. Iloveyou"
He said the last part so quickly that I could barely hear it. "What was the last thing you said Brandon?"

"I love you Isabella. I couldn't wait any longer to tell you. I'm sorry, this is probably a bad time. I should go."
"Brandon... Um.. I don't know what to say. I think of you as my best friend, but I'm sure that you will find someone as nice, funny, and caring as you. I love you but as a friend. I am really sorry. Can we just hang out since you are leaving soon?" "Isabella, I'm leaving tomorrow morning. Of course we can hang out. Don't worry I understand. I can tell that you like Andrew. Thank you. I really hope that I could find someone perfect for me, but just not right now." "Do you wanna watch a movie?" I asked him hopping to see San Andreas. "Sure. Which movie?" "San Andreas" "ok"

We talked, laughed, watched movies, did challenges, made videos for YouTube and lots more. "I had an awesome time with you Isabella. Thank you for spending time with me. I am really going to miss you." "Brad (his new nickname) you don't have to thank me, I enjoy spending time with you. I don't know how I am going to deal with school without your jokes and laughter. I am really going to miss you big guy."

Then he gave me a hug and he whispered "I know me too princess, I don't know how I will do this without you," then he said he had to leave to go pack. We said our goodbyes and after maybe crying a little bit he left. I went up to my room and just laid down on my bed looking at the ceiling thinking of all the things that happened today. *bing *bing *bing... My phone was ringing. It was Andrew. "Hello" "Hey Isabella, did you see the picture?" "What picture?" "Go on twitter and look for Ashley. She posted a picture photoshopped with your face and there are lots of mean comments."
"ok thank Andrew" then I hung up.

I went on twitter and couldn't believe what I was looking at. She photoshopped me in some totally disturbing picture. The comments were even worse. "Go kill yourself" "what a h**" "do all of us a favor and die already b****" Tears kept flowing. I felt as if I was crying a river. I ran to my bathroom and *trigger warning* looked for my razor.

One Cut

Two Cut

Three cuts

Four cuts

Five cuts

I felt horrible, I had promised myself that I wouldn't do this again but I did. The warm blood covering my wrist. The were small tiny cuts just in my wrist so that I could cover them with my bracelets. I cleaned up my arm and my sink and just listened to music and cried. I cried for all the moments of pain in my life. I couldn't stand seeing all of those comments of people who didn't even know me telling me to die. I just closed my eyes and waited for time to pass.

It was Monday.... I really don't like waking up early but I had to. Today I have to face the comments of the people that have been commenting on that picture. I took a long shower then I just put on a "You Complete MEss" sleeveless shirt, some ripped skinny jeans and my black boots. I decided to curl my hair and put some mascara and Chapstick on. I made myself some waffles and apple juice and left the house on my skateboard with my headphones on. As soon as I reached school people started laughing, snickering, glaring, and giving me looks of pity. It was going to be a long day...

I headed for Biology. The teacher was explaining our new material and as I was taking notes Ashley and her friends started throwing paper balls at me, but I just ignored them. It turned out that today the principal was bringing some visitors to our school and we had to stay in Homeroom all day. Yayyy (note my sarcasm)
Hey Guys! How are you guys doing? I need someone to play as Brandon's girlfriend. Please leave name:
Hair color: Color of eyes: And what's your personality like:
Later I will let you guys know who I picked. Have a good day! :D

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