Chapter 23

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I woke in a strange room. I didn't know where I was until I remembered what happened last night. I fell asleep on the roof and Andrew carried me to their guest room and then left to go to his bedroom. I don't know why I felt so comfortable telling Andrew about what is and was happening to me. Maybe it was because we went through similar things. I feel a lot more calm now that I actually talked to someone about it. It was eating me alive.

It was 7:00 am and I had little time to get ready for school. I got up from the bed and walked towards Andrews room. I knocked and he answered after about 2 knocks. He was only wearing sweat pants. And that made a lite blush appear on my face. I didn't want him to see me blushing so I just told him that I was going to go home. He offered me a ride and left me at my house. "Thanks for the ride Andrew"
"No problem Bella" and with that he drove away from my house.

I went upstairs and took a quick shower and put on on some skinny jeans, a Minnie Mouse shirt, a blue cardigan, and blue high tops converse. I put on my usual make up and went to grab a toast with strawberry jelly and some hot chocolate. After eating and getting ready I headed to school on my skateboard. As soon as I arrived people started snickering, laughing and pointing at me. I tried my best to ignore it, and I did. I got to class early and I sat at the back.

Five minutes later Ashley sits in front of me. I instantly knew that something strange was happening. Nothing good ever comes from her. "Your a *****, first you sleep with my boyfriend and then with Andrew. Why don't you do all of us a favor and die already. Not even your parents want you here. Or else why would your step dad treat you the way he does. Am I right. " This made my eyes sting. "Oh look guys it looks like the big baby wants to cry. Why don't you just leave us alone you are useless any way." She knew right well that she had hit a nerve. My mom loves me. Maybe her husband doesn't but she does. "Why are you doing this? You know what, don't even tell me. I am not going to lower myself to your level. Just leave me alone. You don't even know me." I finally said something back to her and it felt kind of good. "Your right I don't know you but Jason knows you perfectly. He told me everything. All he had to do was fake being your friend and then deliver all the details to me. It hurts doesn't it." After she said this I looked at Jason and he was looking at the floor. "I trusted you. I thought you were my friend. I helped you with so many things and you return the favor like this. Wow, thanks for being an amazing friend (sarcasm)" I was boiling with anger and had tears threatening to spill. I was really wishing that the teacher would just get here already. "Maybe you shouldn't trust everyone that you meet!" said Jason. He was blaming this on me. "Your right, thanks for teaching me that it hurts a lot when they backstab you. " with this said I turned around and rushed out of class and headed for the bathroom. I slid down the stall door and cried my heart out. I didn't care if anyone heard me. All that mattered was getting rid of all the tightness inside my chest. My tears were spilling like a river. "Hello, are you okay? I saw you run in here. Is everything okay" a small voice said. "Yeah, I'm okay" I couldn't say anything else. "You don't sound okay, my name is Skyler. What's yours?"
"I'm Isabella" "Please come out of the stall, I'm not going to hurt you." I decided to open the stall door and stepped out. A short blonde, brown eyed girl stood there with two paper towels in her hand. "Here (hand me the paper towel) I thought that might need these." "Thank You" "Are you sure your okay, you look like a mess" I laughed at this. It was probably true that I look like that from all this crying. "Ummm.. No, but right now I don't want to talk about it." "It's okay don't worry, sooo, tell me about yourself. How old are you? What's you favorite color? What type of penguins are the cutest?" I laughed at the last question. She seemed nice but I was still going to be careful. After what I went through with Jason, I became more cautious. "(Small laugh) umm I'm 16 years old, my favorite color is green and I love all penguins but if I had to pick one I would pick the Adelie Penguin. What about you?" "I'm 15 turning 16 in about two weeks. My favorite color is blue and I love all penguins. Why don't we go walk around. Let me see your schedule. (Hands her my schedule) we have the same classes! Yayyy!!" Wow she is very excited. Finally I can talk to someone in my classes. "That's awesome! And sure this bathroom doesn't smell so welcoming." We left the bathroom to go walk around the school. "So, umm, if you don't mind me asking, why aren't you in class?" I was kind of curios as to what she was going to answer. "I saw you run out and I thought that might need someone to talk to. Plus I can't stand Ashley. She thinks she can boss everyone around." "Thanks for coming after me. You seem like a really nice person." "Thanks so I have been told" and then she flipped her hair. I laughed at this action.

We talked for a long time and all this girl did was make me laugh. Second period bell was going to ring pretty soon so we headed to class.

Now it was finally lunch. Nick came and sat with Skyler and me. We joked around so much. It was so fun having lunch with these two and know I had class with both of them. Nick and Sky (nickname) seemed to get along pretty well. I was glad that even though the morning was a little rough it was worth it by the end. Nick offered to give both of us a ride but Sky has a car, but on the other hand I accepted. We got to Nicks house and we finally finished the project after about 2 hours of proofreading and writing it all over again. "I'm so glad we re finally done." I said. "Ahh man me too. Are you hungry? We can order pizza. Half pepperoni and half extra cheese." My mouth watered at the sound of pizza. "You know me too well" after I said we both started laughing.

We watched a couple of movies ate pizza and drank soda. I had to leave like at 8 and Nick drove me back. We said our goodbyes and I went to open the door to my house. As I approached it I saw a note on the door. It read: 'I told you to not trust anyone and you did. Now this is what happens. Don't complain when I told you so. And I'm sorry for blaming it on you. I was just really mad.' -Jason

After I read it I entered the silent and lonely house and went up the stairs to my room. The note left me wondering. Why did Jason bother coming to my house to tell me that me trusting him was a bad idea when I already knew that. I wondered what he told Ashley. I told him a lot about me and now Ashley might now that I self harm. I fell asleep wondering what would Ashley do next.
Hey Guys! Sorry that I haven't updated in so long. Today I had some free time so I was able to write this for you guys :D I hope you guys like it. Hope you have a nice day! :)

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