Chapter 2

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(Picture of Nick)

As I just decided to ignore all the rude things said to me in the classroom and decided to draw while hearing All Time Low. Suddenly Mr. Jurnel, our principal, came in a with a very handsome looking boy. I have to admit that I almost couldn't take my eyes off of him. " Class settle down and let Mr. Jurnel speak" "Good Morning students, today someone new will be joining us, please introduce yourself Mr. Johnson" "Hey guys I am Andrew, I am 16 years old and I love music" " Thank you Mr. Johnson, now please take a seat next to...... Miss. Lockwood" My hands started shaking when the teacher told Andrew to sit next to me. I hope he isn't like the bullies in my school. " Hey I am Andrew, sorry you probably already knew" He said laughing a little while scratching the back of his neck and biting his lip. "Don't worry about it, I'm Isabella" "I really like your name its very sweet and almost princess like" That when I felt myself blush so I had to look down. "Thanks" and I gave him a small smile and he actually returned one. "Is there something you two would want to share with the class Mr. Johnson and Miss Lockwood?" The teacher sounded very irritated so I just shook my head and kept on doing my work. I kept on thinking that I didn't want people to start bullying Andrew just because he was talking to me our because he was seen with me. "Psst" I look to my side and Andrew sat there with a piece of paper holding it out for me to take. It read :

Hey do want to hang out after school?Maybe at Starbucks since it close to here. It's okay if you don't want to. :)

I responded with a:

Sure. where should we meet?

He responded:

How about at the door that reaches the parking lot?

I wrote:

Sure :D

The rest of the day all I could think about was if this was really real or if this was just a prank. I was very excited to get to know more about Andrew but also terrified that they would start to beat him if they saw him hanging out with me. I just hope this goes well and that I don't get my normal after school beating.

Next Day......

My alarm didn't go off so I was basically running around trying to get showered, dressed, brush my teeth, eating, doing my hair, and lots of other things. I was excited because yesterday I had an amazing time with Andrew. When I got home I read a note that my mom and her husband had to go on a business trip for basically 3 months and that they would put some money on my cards so that I could buy the necessary. I felt really bad that I didn't get to say bye to my mom but I kept on doing the usual. This is my outfit I left for school in my car just to go to the park before going to school. When I arrived at school Andrew waved at me and told me to walk with him. We are walking to class but all I can think about is does he pity me? Why is he so nice to me? But I just ignored those thoughts and kept on walking. The minute we reach class I regretted it. Nick, Ashley and their gangs go here and I don't want them to make fun of Andrew just because he is hanging out with me. Out of nowhere Nick comes to say hi to Andrew. "Hey bro. Long time no see""Yeah man since elementary I haven't seen you, its good we kept in contact" said Andrew while bro hugging Nick. Fear rushed through my whole system. Is he too going to be one of my bullies? Are they going to turn him against me? " Hey dude why are hanging out with this nerd?"asked Nick kind of mad. "I just met her, she seems really nice" "Dude get away from her she's just a nerd, fat, ugly, attention seeker!" My heart stopped when I saw Andrew look at me with sadness and pity in his eyes and I knew what was coming. "Yeah get away from me you freak! You are a weirdo!" That's when I didn't care about anything or anyone and just ran out of school reaching home. I go up to my bathroom and open my cabinet to find my escape, my little time pain reliever. I get the razors and press it on my skin. As blood flowed I felt relieved but terrified of what will happen tomorrow since now I have a new bully.

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