Chapter 32

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Saturday, one of the days that I love the most. My mom had planned so many things that she had to wake me up early just to start them and finish them on time. I decided to use some shorts with a white tee and some sandals since we were going to the spa.

Mom's Checklist:

{ } Getting a facial and a massage
{ } Getting a manicure and a pedicure
{ } Getting more groceries
{ } Going shopping
{ } Cleaning the house ( early tomorrow)
{ } Going to exercise (early tomorrow)

Of course all of these things were in a different order, but we had to do most of them. When lunch time came we were showered and well dressed, preparing the table for when Kate came over. I had missed her cooking so much, and I am very thankful that she here with me today. I know its only for two weeks, but I'm going the enjoy as much time with her as possible.

Once Kate arrived my mom served the food and we started eating. It was an amazing lunch. From my mom telling us all of the amazing things she saw, to all of us sharing our most embarrassing moments. It was amazing to have some family time since I hadn't had some in a while.

A little later my mom left to go meet up with some friends and Kate and I stayed talking all about the dance. After a lot of me bugging Kate finally admitted that she had a small crush on Jayden.

"So you do like him! Aha! I knew it! So did you get to know each other better? Please give me lots of dets?"

"Yeah I do!! Hahaha you looked like an obsessed weirdo! Hahaha well yeah, I guess you could say we got to know each other a little bit. We talked about how he loves drawing and that he loves the same bands that I love. He has a younger brother and also an older brother. His family is pretty big compared to mine. So, yeah, umm overall we had a great night"

"Aww that's so cute! Hahaha yeah I guess I probably did hahaha. Its really cool that you guys have several things in common. I'm really glad that you had fun.

"I know right, hahaha, well, now its your turn. What is going between you and Andrew?" With this she lifts up one eyebrow and I get redder than a tomato.

So then I explained to her everything that had happened that night. After that we watched movies, ate popcorn, told each other stories, and made each other laugh for all the time in which we hadn't seen each other. She had to leave because she has to wake up early tomorrow. So I went up to my room.

Sht, Sht, Sht

I got so scared, because I didn't know were the noise was coming from, but the I looked out my window and saw Andrew standing there.

"LOOK AT YOUR PHONE" at least that's what I think he said since he just mouthed it.

I looked at my phone and it said:
-Hey, do you want to go to the Skate Park near by?

-Sure, just give me a minute I'll be right down.

I put on some blue jeans and my black converse. I grabbed my skateboard and helmet and headed out the door. And then soon we were on our way to the Park.

Hey Guys!!! I'm sorry if it was kind of boring, it was just a filler. I really missed writing because it helps me kind of leave all of the stress behind. I hope you guys are liking the story so far. WARNING there will be lots of cliche :D I hope you guys have a great day! :)

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