Chapter 22

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My alarm woke me up. Whyyyyyyyy???? I was really tired from all the walking that I had done yesterday. I got up from bed and decided to go for a jog since it was 5:03 am. Most people don't know but I love to go for runs in the morning because I tend to just think and relax. I put on my work out clothes, grabbed my water bottle, and put my earphones with a variety of music blasting through. The jog was relaxing and really helped me get some energy back. It was about 5:48am and I decided to take a cold shower since I just arrived at my house. I put on some light washed skinny jeans with a stripped white and dark blue shirt and my low white converse. I decided to put on some makeup(eyeliner, mascara, and some lipgloss). I made myself some pancakes and drank some apple juice. It was kind of nerve racking the thought about going to school but I guess it wasn't that bad. I went outside and took my skateboard to school. When suddenly a car stops next to me. It was Nick. "Hey Bella, I'll give you a ride" N
"Thanks" I
"So, how are you?" N
"I'm doing good, still a little tired but good, and u?" I
"I am good, pretty tired, but good. Hey so I was wondering if you wanted to go to my house tomorrow to finish the project." N
"Yeah that walk was really tiring *small laugh* umm sure I wouldn't mind." I
" Okay see you at 4:00 since I have practice" N
"Ok" I

We had arrived at school. People were looking at us really weird. Some were giving us glares and other whispering things like: "I thought she was with Andrew" "she is such a ****"
"How could Nick do that to Ashley" "Poor Ashley" "But Nick and Ashley where perfect" "She is such a *****"
It was very uncomfortable but Nick just whispered in my ear "don't listen to them." We walked into school as if nothing had happened but it was pretty bad with all these people turning against us. I was trying my hardest to ignore the rude comments that were said of me. These people need to learn to whisper. We got to my locker and all I could do was put my head inside my locker. I don't know why I felt like this but I was breathing very heavy. It was as if I was having a panic attack. Ohhh I am having a panic attack. Just try to calm down. "Bella, are you okay? Just breathe slowly." N

I finally calmed down after running through the full hallway to the back part of the school. I haven't been here in a long time. I really missed this place. The willow tree looked so lonely. I decided to take some time and relax. After about 5 minutes after the bell rang. I decided to walk to my locker to get my things for my first class.

Finally the lunch bell rang. Andrew had sent me a text that he wanted to talk to me. He said that we should meet in the back of the school. So that's exactly were I am heading. I had already told Nick were I was going.

Exactly how Andrew had told me he was sitting under the willow tree.

"Hey Bella" Andrew said while standing up and giving me a hug. "Hey Andrew". The hug was so warm and perfect. This simple action made my stomach fill up with a million butterflies. "So I was wondering if you maybe wanted to hang out with me after school. " He said while scratching the back of his neck. "Sure, can you umm maybe give me a ride?" I was really nervous to ask him but I had to. "Of course meet me by the front door after school." "Okay" Then he gave another hug and then left.

After school.........

(Play music)

I was just walking to my locker to leave my things when suddenly someone covered my mouth and pulled me into the janitors. The people started beating me and saying means things at me. I tried standing but I couldn't. Tears started running down my cheeks. It felt as if I had been crying a river. I could barely speak. The hits got harder each time. My vision was blurry from all the crying all I saw before the people left was a piece of blonde hair. I was able to get my phone out. I pressed Andrew's number. After about two rings he answered. "Hey Bella, I'm by the front doors" "Andrew please help me. I'm in the janitors closet" "Bella hang on, I'm on my way"

He got there really fast. "Bella what happened" His blue eyes turned soft and sad. I couldn't hold my tears. I started crying. He pulled me on his lap and held me telling me everything was going to be okay. He picked me up bridal style after a few minutes and carried me to his car. We arrived at his house an couple of minutes after. He went into his bathroom and se me on the counter and then gave me some towel paper while he looked for the first aid kit. I wet the paper and cleaned the blood and then cleaned some wounds. I took out my brush and brushed my hair. We had gone downstairs to watch movies. It was already our third movie when he asked me "Are you okay?" I didn't even know how to answer this question. I'm I really okay? I can look happy and make others laugh but I'm actually broken inside. "I don't know" He grabbed my hand an told me "I wanna show you something." It was already kind of dark outside. I was able to somewhat limp and slowly walk. We walked up to his bedroom and he climbed out his window. "Come on. Don't worry I will hold you." I trusted him so I climbed out of his window and stepped on his roof. "Oh I forgot something. I'm coming right back" "okay" was all I said.

He came back a few minutes later with two pillows blankets and hot chocolate. "I sometimes come out here to think" He told me. It was beautiful. I was trying to find any constellations. "It beautiful" "Yeah" I finished my hot chocolate and put my mug to the side and so did he. He laid down and so did I. "I'm not" was all I could say. He turned to look at me and I turned to look at him. "Your not what?" "I'm not okay" a tear escaped after I said this. He took his thumb and removed my tear. He pulled me towards him and I laid my head on his chest. He kissed the top of my head. "Do you know why I moved here?" I took this chance to look at him speaking. "I moved here because I couldn't handle anymore of the bullying toward me. I was depressed and tried to commit suicide. I would cry myself to sleep every single night. It was really hard to stay strong but I did. I was sent to the earth for a purpose and I will continue to complete that purpose. I will stay strong and I want others to stay strong to. A simple comment made me feel horrible and many people don't know that. People suffer but sometimes people don't even notice. My parents never noticed until I tried to commit suicide. Then we moved here. I don't want anything to happen to others. That's why I tell you that everything is going to be okay. Because when this was happening to me I wanted someone to be there for me and tell me that everything was going to be okay but I didn't have one. I want to help everyone that I can. And I want you to know that I'm here if you ever need someone to talk to or just someone to be there for you." This all took me by surprise. I would have never thought that this would have happened to Andrew. "I will always be there for you and I know you will always be there for me. I have been bullied for a couple of years now. My moms husband doesn't like me and neither does his family. I try to fake a smile but sometimes I just break. It also hard when the comments follow you home. I cut and sometimes still cry myself to sleep but most people don't know that. Some people don't know how far a mean word or comment can go. I tend to express my feeling through writing music and singing. Promise me that you will stay strong. And I promise you that I will stay strong." "I promise" after this he just held me against his chest while we both looked at the stars.
Hey Guys! I just want all you to know that I will be here if you ever need someone to talk to. I have been bullied and sometimes I still cry because I feel like it might happen again or I just feel broken. Bullying is not okay. Even a single word or comment can hurt a person's feelings without knowing it. I hope you guys liked this chapter. I even cried a little writing this chapter. Hope you guys have a great day! And don't forget to always stay strong :) (Song: Breathe me by Sia)

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