Chapter 11

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(Picture of Jason)

Skip to during school....

I had so much fun yesterday. It was an amazing Wednesday. I finally felt like my life was taking a huge turn until today. .....

Skip to lunch....

I was in line to get my slice of cheese pizza when someone tapped my shoulder. "Hi, is this the line for lunch" a guy with a beanie and hazel eyes asked me. "Yeah it is, are you new?"
"Yeah I am, my name is Jason by the way. What's yours?"
"I am Isabella, nice to meet you" after this I gave him a small smile.
"Do you think I could sit with you since I don't know many people yet" he asked while starring at me with hopeful eyes.
"Yeah, of course" This was my chance to make another friend. I was so excited. We both grabbed our lunches and headed to an empty table . He was such a funny and nice guy. We were talking when I felt a cold substance on my head. Ashley had spilled her milk all over me. I got up furious. "What the ****?!" I said to her as she couldn't stop laughing. "That's what you get for talking to him. He's mine" she whispered this in my ear and left. I felt an instant courage and went up to her table and spilled my fruit punch over her head. Then turned around said sorry to Jason and told him that I will call him later to explain and left school. I felt guilty and I knew that they were going to get revenge soon.
Hey Guys! Sorry that I haven't updated in so long it's because of all the school work that I have gotten. Hope you guys like it! Have a nice day! :D

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