Chapter 4

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Yesterday I had decided that I would talk to him so as I walked down the halls I would keep my head down so no one would notice me, but they did. People started making pig noises and laughing at me. I couldn't break down, I couldn't let them win. I walked very slowly to the bathroom. Once I reached it I broke down. Maybe they are right. Maybe I am ugly, fat, a freak, a pig even. I clean myself up and went out to find Andrews locker. I wrote a note to him that said: We need to talk. Meet me in back of the school near a willow tree.

And then I put it in his locker. I hope he sees it....

Andrews POV

I am walking with Nick and his friends and I see Isabella walking away from my locker. I felt really terrible for what I did to her. I walked to my locker to take out my books and a note fell out. I read it and knew I had to go there as soon as possible. I wanted to apologize to her, to tell her that the guys made me do it, to tell her that I was sorry for all those things I had said and done to her.

As I reached the tree I saw Isabella leaning against it. She looked beautiful as the wind hit her hair. Wait! What am I even thinking!?.....

Isabella's POV

I heard a noise and looked up to see Andrew standing there. He looked so beautiful (sorry couldn't think of anything else :) ) as he stood there and the rays of sunshine hit him. I shook away my thoughts so that I could concentrate on what I wanted to say. "Hey Andrew" why am I stuttering!? I can't seriously be this nervous? "Hey Isabella, I wanted to apologize for everything I have said and done. I know that I am hurting you and I can't bare to see that. The guys made me do it. They don't want me to be friends with you because they say that I would be uncool and that I won't have any friends, but I don't care, I just want to be your friend and I will try my hardest to spend time with you" As he said all of this a tear slipped out. He came closer and took it away with his thumb, then he gave me a hug. Maybe he does care about me......


Hey guys! I hope you are liking this story :D Tell me if I should keep on writing it or not :) Hope you guys have a great day!! :D

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