Chapter 33

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    I had actually never been to the skate park near my house, so it was really cool to go somewhere new. For a moment I thought I was good at skateboarding, but then I saw some kids doing some awesome tricks and I realized I barely knew how to ride my skateboard. Andrew said that he had been here a couple of times and that there wasn't as many people as today. It was basically packed with kids and teenagers, some I have even seen them around school. I told Andrew that I was just going to hang around so then he said he was going to go to ride. I wanted to just sit and hear some music, but then I saw a guy who is from my school walking towards me. The only thing I know about him is that his name is Ren and that most of his time he is with his friends and cheerleaders at lunch time.

- "Hey, are you new here?"
It was weird that someone was asking me that, but I wanted to say the truth. He seems like a nice guy, so I wanted to be nice.

- "Yeah, actually I am. My boyfriend brought me here, its really cool."

- "Well nice to meet you. That's awesome! So do you ride? And I'm sorry for not introducing myself. My name is Ren, what's yours?"

- "Its nice to meet you too. Actually I do. I mean, compared to those I am probably a very bad rider, but otherwise I would say I'm okay. Actually I think we go to the same school don't we? My name is Isabella, but people call me Bella."

- "Its okay, compared to those guys mostly everyone looks bad. They have been riding for years. They just come here to practice. And I think we do, I'm pretty sure I have seen you around, and I'm so sorry for everything that Ashley did to you. But, anyways you have a pretty name, but do you mind be calling Bella since it's shorter."

- "Ohh so that's why they are so good at riding. Now I get it. Yeah I'm mostly at the library or just anywhere really. I have seen you around too. And don't worry about it, you don't have to apologize, its fine. Now I actually feel like things are finally normalizing. And of course I don't mind. "

- " hahahahaha yeah, i mean they mostly go to other parks to practice, but I guess today they wanted to come here. Ohhhh ok, so that's probably why I haven't seen you around that often. Thanks. Yeah I imagine it must have been hard. Perfect!" He answered with a big white smile.

-"Hey I hope you don't mind Bella, but I'm gonna go skate for a while is that alright? "

-"Sure, I have no problem with that. Don't fall too much" I said this while smiling and laughing a little bit. He left laughing and said "I don't make any promises, I fall a lot"

After he left Andrew came after about 15 minutes and we left to get some ice cream....
Hey Guys! :) I'm so sorry for taking so long in updating. The next chapter is the last chapter. I have really enjoyed writing and I hope you guys have liked it. I hope you guys have a great day :D

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