Chapter 10

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Brandon's POV

I was so excited for Friday. Isabella is so nice, funny, chill , she is a person that you could be comfortable around. I am glad that I talked to her that day in detention. She is such an amazing person. I am glad she is my friend. Lets hope this hang out on Friday would be good.

Nick's POV

I was talking with Jake, Chris and Andrew but I noticed that he wasn't listening. I looked over to see what he was looking at and it was Isabella. We used to be best friends but ..I had to change to become "popular". I
hate to see that fear she has in her eyes every time she sees me. I sometimes wish I could go running to her and hug her and tell her it would be okay but I can't and I hate to have to do this to her. She is so amazing, I can't believe I have done this to her for so many years. I am trying to stop the bullying for everyone and just trying to be nice, but I know it is not going to be easy.

Isabella's POV

After school, since its Monday I walked home. I forgot my skateboard. I decide to change it something more comfortable. I changed into sweats, a white shirt, some fuzzy socks, and also took of my make up which was my mascara, eyeliner and lipstick. I made myself some chicken with white rice and red beans. ........ After eating I went to my room to listen to music. I was hearing Geronimo by Sheppard. I was singing and dancing all over my room. My life was actually taking a big turn. I was actually feeling a little bit happier than how I felt before. That is my phone rang saying that I got a new text message. Katerina my friend from London was texting me. We were texting each other for about 5 minutes until she called. We talked for hours. She told me that she had meet One Direction and also 5 Seconds of Summer and that they were really fun to hang out with. It was awesome to talk to my friend. I hope that we can keep in contact. This has been a awesome day!
Hey guys! Sorry if its not that good but I was half asleep as I wrote this. Hope you have a nice day! :) Please check out my friends story it's called Life's changes. It a One Direction and 5 Seconds of Summer fan fiction.

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