Chapter 26

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We decided to go over to Andrew's house so he could pick some money and then we left to the mall. It was a fun drive since we both started singing very badly and at the top of our lungs the songs that came on the radio. I had to tell Andrew that I liked him, but I didn't want to ruin our friendship. Once we arrived we decided to go to the arcade and start playing. It was so funny seeing Andrew trying to beat little kids at games by trying to act like them. He would pout and stick his tongue out me while I was almost peeing myself with laughter. When I was playing a shooting game I was getting frustrated since I had not even shot a zombie. I was horrible. If there where to be a zombie apocalypse I would basically die first because I wouldn't be able to shoot and because I would get hungry. But anyways, Andrew saw my struggle and wrapped his arms around me and put his hands were they were supposed to go on the gun and he started helping in the game. I wasn't able to focus very much because of the proximity between us. I could feel his hot breath on my neck and it was making me nervous.

After that game was done we both felt an awkward silence fall, but I broke it to play a dancing game. After this he said he was hungry so we went to eat pizza. He took the pizza and asked me if I wanted to go over to his house to have a movie marathon and I accepted. We got in the car and the song that came on was Waiting for love by Avicii. I love that song, so I started singing it. I felt a stare burning into my skin. "You sing beautiful" Andrew said. My cheeks turned a light shade of red. "Thank You" and with this said I looked down to fiddle with my shirt. And just then the light turned green. The rest of the ride was silent, not an awkward one, but a comfortable one.

We arrived at his house and he told me to wait for him in the living room. His parents were on a business trip so I wasn't scared on getting interrogated by his them. Andrew came rushing down the stairs and told me "Okay, C'mon let's go upstairs". When I steeped inside his room I was so surprised. He had laid down a couple of blankets on the floor and two pillows, with two big popcorn bowls and two bottles of Coca Cola. The TV had the movie Insurgent on which I loved. I was so excited!!!!! "This is amazing!!!" I told him. He had a huge grin on his face and then said "I knew you would like it, now c'mon let's watch the movie". We sat and the movie started when it finished it was his turn to put in a movie and he picked Annabelle. I was so scared because of all the things that I have heard about the movie. The movie started and I was already scared by the freaky doll. I would close by eyes and bring my knees to hide my face. He noticed this and wrapped his arms around me and I felt safe. He whispered into my ear "Don't worry beautiful, I won't let anything bad happen to you". I immediately turned a very dark shade of red.

We spent the rest of the night watching movies until I started to fall asleep. I felt someone carrying me bridal style and then I felt a very soft material. Wait is this a bed? "Goodnight beautiful" and with this said he turned around and walked out of the room.

Next morning......

I woke in Andrews house's guest bedroom like last time. It was about 5:30am so I decided to check my phone to see what was happened. I had a text from my friend Katherine saying that she was probably gonna come visit next Monday and i was so happy!!! I haven't seen her in a long time. She been a good friend of mine since childhood and I'm sure she would really get along with Nick, Sky and Andrew. I still had a lot of hate being thrown at me in twitter and instagram but I didn't read it because I knew it would affect me. It was finally 6:30am and I decided to see if Andrew was awake and he was. He was sitting in the couch watching Teen Wolf. That is one of my favorite shows yayyyy!!!. "Good morning" I said to him. "Good morning Bella" I went and sat on the couch. "I was going to tell you that I'm going to head home to get ready for school". "I'll give you a ride" with this he smiles at me and gestures for me to follow him into the garage. Then we get in his car and he takes me home. We say our goodbyes and I thank him for last night and then I go into my house. I go upstairs take a quick shower and get dressed in some dark blue skinny jeans and a black shirt with my leather jacket and my black combat boots. I go downstairs and make myself some scrambled eggs and ham with apple juice. I grabbed my skateboard and headed off to school.

As always their snickering and laughter rang through my ears. I decided to ignore them and head to my first period class. I saw Sky and went to say hi to her we started talking until Nick and Andrew came and then we went to get our lunch. The day was going good so far. "Hey Bella could I talk to you for a second?" I nodded and I followed Andrew off to the side. "I know we hung out yesterday, but I was wondering if you wanted to go bowling with me tonight?" I was glad that I didn't have homework for tomorrow nor did I have tests this week or next. "Sure, that would be awesome"after I told him this he had a huge grin on his face for the rest of lunch. When we went back Sky was in a deep conversation with Nick so we decided to leave the two love birds alone and go to our classes.

The day went by quickly and soon its was 5:30pm almost time for me to go over to Andrew's since he had texted me to go over at his house at 6:30pm.
Hey Guys! I know it been a while but I have been trying to write all the chapters again since I had an incident with my iPod. I hope you guys like this update :D Hope you guys have a nice day! :D

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