Chapter 31

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"Andrew I would love to be your girlfriend." I laugh a little at his huge grin. "Really?! I was so nervous. I wanted to tell you before, but the nerves made me forget everything. Thank You Isabella for everything." I move over towards him and he wraps his arm around my waist and kisses the top of my head and I just wrap my arms around him and rest my head on his chest.

We spent the rest of the time getting to know each other more. I couldn't be happier. We both had huge grins on our faces for the rest of the night.

Later that night he took me home and to my surprise my mom was home and had made dinner. I found it kind of strange, but I guess I should just ask her what happened.

" Hey mom!!!! How have you been? I have missed you!! How come you are here so early?"

"I have been doing great! I missed you too honey!! I decided to take some time off to relax and come see you. Its only for two weeks and then I will head back. And don't worry your step dad isn't here. He said he wanted to stay, so its only the two of us here."

"Thank you mom, and I really glad, I'm sorry I know he is your husband, but I just can't stand him and I know the feeling is mutual."

"I know and don't worry about it, he just has a very strict personality. But, leaving that out of the way, how's school going? How come your here this late?"

"Its been okay, I had some very rough times, but I have been pushing them aside with the help of my new friends. I met a new girl named Sky, she is a very nice person and she is one of my new friends. Kate is here for vacations, so we have been catching up. Nick and I fixed things and finally he stopped bullying me and we became friends. And finally there's Andrew. Mom he is amazing. He's funny, smart and caring. He has been there for me in the toughest times that I have had and even after seeing me cry, he still stands firm beside me. And today there was a school dance."

"I'm so sorry that I wasn't here for you. I feel like a terrible mother for not being here and comforting you. I'm really glad that you have made new friends. I'm also very happy that you and Nick fixed things and I hope everything goes well. And tell Kate that I want to see her and that she should come over for dinner tomorrow. And a person that I really have to thank for making you smile and making you surpass the rough patches is Andrew. And what is up with your eyes twinkling when you talked about him? Huhh? Hahaha I could tell that you like him. Tell me the dets."

After this I told my mom everything, from how I felt for him to how he asked me to be his girlfriend. She told me to invite him over one of these days to meet him. But from what I told her, she says she already likes him.

Later I went to take a shower and put on my pajamas. I still had so many butterflies in my stomach that it was hard to get any sleep.

Rrrr, Rrrrr, Rrrrr

My phone was vibrating so, I went to check out what it was and as soon as I saw it I melted.

-Goodnight princess, I hope you sleep well. I had an amazing night and thank you for being a part of it. I hope you have sweet dreams and that God and The Virgin Mary help you have a wonderful night of sleep.

I quickly responded with:

- Goodnight prince (sorry I'm not good with nicknames xD) I am thankful for being a part of your life. Thank you for an amazing night. I hope God and The Virgin Mary help you have sweet dreams. Thank you for everything you have done for me.

After this I went to sleep. And I just know that tomorrow is going to be a great day.

Hey Guys!! Yup, I decided to give you a double update and I really hope you guys like it. I hope you guys have a great day! :D

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