Chapter 3

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(picture of Andrew)

I clean everything and decide to just go on twitter to see what has been happening and once its open the tears star to flow again. She's a freak''Just Die''Leave Andrew alone you slut'... Why do I get this much hate? What have I done to deserve this? I really didn't want to live anymore but I knew that I couldn't quit.


My alarm went off, but I hated going in that prison called "school". I took a shower after 10 minutes of debating whether to get up or not. My outfit was simple a sleeve less shirt with a leather jacket, ripped denim jeans and black boots . I put my hair in a braid and left after eating eggs, bacon, and fruits. I decided to go walking because I just wanted time to think. I put on my headphones and took my skateboard even though I didn't want to use it. 'Andrew felt that embarrassed of me?' 'Does he hate me now' 'Is he also going to bully me' that was all I could think about. For me it was so hard to believe that he turned on me so fast. They made him believe that fast something that isn't true. I started hearing people talking and I knew that school was near. I reached school and it was just like any ordinary day for me. I reached my locker and found a small post it note that read: I am so sorry about what I said yesterday, please meet me at the football field to explain. Love

I decided to go to the football field since I had my first two classes free since both teachers were absent. When I reached the football field I started doubting it but I soon saw Andrew sitting on the grass. He looked at me with guilt shown all over his expression and I soon knew that something wasn't right. "Why did you want to meet me here?" I asked kind of scared of what was going to happen. "I'm sorry" was all he said. I got pulled by no other than Nick and got poured over with fruit punch. Then they put a apple in my mouth and wrapped my arms so that I couldn't get out. They just took a picture and left me there. After an hour of trying to get out of those ropes I remembered that today there was going to be a basketball game and everyone was coming in about 5 minutes.

5 minutes passed...

I had almost got out when someone turned on the lights and everyone started laughing. I finally cut what I had left of the rope and just skipped school. I decided to cut once again. I felt as if I had been crying a river. Jokes about me were everywhere. 'She's such a pig' 'look, she's in her natural habitat, jajajajaja' 'She looks just like Carrie the movie'. I couldn't help but cry more when I saw what Andrew had written ' People stop calling her things she was framed and I am very sorry'. That's why I saw guilt all over his expression. He was truly sorry. I might forgive him but that doesn't mean I will forget. Tomorrow I am going to talk with him. I hope he doesn't betray me anymore.

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