Chapter 34

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Andrew and I have been dating for two years already. I like him more everyday. Just the small things he does make me fall for him all over again. On our one year anniversary he bought me a half of a necklace and he had the other part on a bracelet. It had imprinted "no matter how hard life gets, I will always stand by your side". I got us a reservation at a really pretty restaurant and then we went for a walk around town. It was in general a magical night. We graduated and now we are going to university. We are all going to the same university. And Sky and Kate are my roommates.

Sky and Nick have been dating for a year now and they seem really happy together. Kate gave us the huge news that she was going to stay in Australia. Her and Jayden have been dating for about 7 months and on their five months anniversary he bought her the biggest bear and bouquet of roses that I have ever seen. Brandon finally asked Melanie to be his girlfriend and they are one of the happiest couples that I know. He came to visit us and Melanie came with him, so we finally got to meet her. She is one of the nicest persons I know. We became friends instantly.

We all organized a trip to the US to explore and I think it would be awesome to get to explore lots of states and to visit some family members. Nothing much has happened. Ashley never bothered me again and Jason and I speak very little. All we basically say is hi when we are walking by each other. And Ren and I became really good friends. He is now dating Emily. She is a tall, with ginger hair and green eyes. She is really nice.

Andrew and I are a very chill couple. We like to stay home and watch TV (no we don't do Netflix and chill 😂) or just going for a walk to the park. But there are days were we go hiking and where we visit different places. So yeah this is basically my life in the now.

Hey Guys! I know this is really short, but I really couldn't come up with anything else. I have had a great experience writing this story. I thank everyone who read this. I love you guys! Thank you for all the support. I will be starting a new story, but I'm not sure when. Thank you sooooo much! I hope you guys have an amazing day! :D I am going to you guys. :(

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