Chapter 20

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After we finished our ice creams we decided to go somewhere to eat. It was getting dark so we decided to head home.

During the ride....

"So what are we going to do when school starts?" I had to get that question out of my chest because what if everything goes back to how it was and he starts bullying me again. "I don't care about popularity anymore because I know that it wont take me anywhere. I am going to focus more on my classes and if you don't mind me hanging out with you. That will probably be it. I won't go back to being the jerk that I was before. Hearing you telling me how you felt when I acted that way towards you made me realize that I was doing the wrong thing all along. And I won't be that guy anymore."
"I would never mind you hanging out with me. You were my best friend and I think we can go back to being friends. I might take me a little while to get used to it again but I would never mind. " After this the whole ride was silent, a comfortable one.

After a long car ride we arrived at my house. "Thank You for an amazing day. I guess I'll see you tomorrow." "No problem, Sure at what time?" he responded with a smile. "At 8am maybe?" "Ok, see you tomorrow Bella" "Bye Nick" I then closed the car door and headed towards the door of my house. Everything was silent since my mom called me to tell me that the trip was going to be longer maybe a year more or less, so I wasn't worried. I went straight to my room and picked up some blue and white with anchors pajama shorts and a short sleeved white t-shirt, and some underwear.

I headed to bathroom and took a long shower and got dressed. I headed down stairs to watch some movies when I heard a knock on the door. It was kind of surprising since I wasn't expecting anyone but went to answer anyways. As I opened the door I got even more surprised with what I saw. Andrew. I wasn't expecting him to be here so I was kind of shocked
"Hey Bella, sorry to come without telling you but I was wondering if you maybe wanted to.. Umm... Go with me to the Friday Dance?" after he said this he took out a pink rose that he was hiding behind his back. I didn't know that there was going to be a dance this Friday. "I'd love to go with you" I then felt this immense courage and gave him a kiss on his cheek. He turned really red and so did I. He gave me the rose with a super bright smile. I am already feeling the nerves for Friday today. "We'll I should probably go, see you on Monday" "Alright see you on Monday" and then I closed the door. Why Isabella? Why did you have to act so awkward.


I have been talking to Brandon for almost an hour and he has been telling that he is doing good and that he meet a girl named Melanie. He says that she has amazing and beautiful brown hair, and has mesmerizing brown eyes. He says that every time he talks to her he gets lost in her eyes. Right now they're just friends but he says he wants to get to know her better so that then he can ask her to be his girlfriend. He says he wants to take things slow and know if she likes him too. Then he told me that the record label really liked him and that they started recording right away. He said he had to go and we said bye.

I really miss him, but I'm really glad he is happy. It was already late so I decided to go to my room to sleep since I have to wake up early for another day with Nick.
Hey Guys! ... Again :D I decided to give you a double update today to apologize for taking so long in writing one :) And before I forget a huge shout out Dreamer Girl (Melanie) for wanting to be in my story. :D I have been watching Teen Wolf these days and I am just addicted to it. A lot of things have been happening in my life right now so I that is why I haven't been writing too often. I really need to start writing more. But anyways I'm really nervous for school to start. I start the first week of August so it pretty soon. I'm so sorry if I bored you. Hope you guys have a great day or had a great day! :D

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