Chapter 25

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(Picture of Andrew)

I ran as far as I could. I just wanted to be away from everyone and everything. I went to a special place where I knew that I could be alone. My heart felt as if it had been broken into tiny little pieces. After a while I couldn't hold it anymore. I know that Andrew and I were nothing more than friends, but I really liked him. I started to fall for him slowly because of all the little things he did. Like when he would hug me when I was sad, held me when I cried, listened to me, his contagious laugh, his amazing smile, his awesome and weird ideas. And I could list so many more things. When I saw them it was as if the world around me had collapsed. I needed air. I needed space. Maybe I should have let Andrew explain. But why would he want to explain?Maybe it was all part of Ashley's plan. Yeah that could be it! But what if I'm wrong. I just need time to figure things out. I didn't want Andrew to explain because of how broken I was. I need to talk to Andrew and figure out what really happened.

Andrew's POV

I couldn't get Isabella out of my head. Why didn't I try harder to rip out of Ashley's grip? I still have the marks from when I tried to free my wrist and she dug her nails into my skin. I like Isabella. Oh who I'm kidding, I have liked her for a while now. I feel like I can be myself around her. Her contagious laugh, her big smile, no matter how busy she is she will take time to answer your questions or just listen, there are many things that I could list but it will take a long time to read. I need to find her and explain to her what really happened. I know we are nothing more than friends, but I really like her.

Isabella's POV

I texted Andrew saying: 'could you meet me at the park at 3:00pm?' since I think he's is still in school

A(Andrew ): Yeah of course! I really need to talk to you. Could we meet maybe a little earlier like at 1:00pm since its 12:30pm now?

I (Isabella): Yeah that's fine with me. Meet you there.

I started walking to my house to take a shower and try to relax. I wasn't very far. Maybe a 8 minute walk.......... Finally I got home and went straight to the shower. I picked out some light skinny jeans and a United Kingdom flag washed shirt and my dark blue converse. I left my hair down and just put on my black small earrings. I ate a apple, brushed my teeth and left to the park. It was pretty close to my house but it was already 1:00pm so I decided to take my skateboard to get there faster. I have to remain strong, I don't want to break down in front of Andrew.

I got there and saw Andrew sitting on a swing. He saw me and stood up. He had a small plush penguin with him. "Hey" I said this kind of awkward. "Hey....Isabella please let me explain what really happened". I just nodded my head and he started explaining everything. He explained everything and apologized like a million times. ".... Isabella I'm really sorry." "It's ok Andrew, I believe you. And you don't have to apologize because it wasn't your fault." After I said this he got off his swing and and came and gave me a hug since I was sitting on the other swing and he also gave me the little penguin. I started blushing and I lowered my head because I didn't want him to see me like this. He grabbed my chin and lifted my head to look straight into his eyes. "Don't hide your face, you are beautiful even when you blush. So, how's school?" He asked awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. "Thank You (*I started blushing even more*)It's okay, what about for you?" I asked him. He called me beautiful. I'm still very shocked about that. It was so sweet of him. "It's the same as you. I don't do much, but things just happen."

We talked for a couple of hours about school and basically life in general. I feel bad for not trusting Andrew but what I saw broke my heart, but after he explained everything I finally understood. I don't know what Ashley had against me, but I want to figure it out.
Hey Guys! I'm extremely sorry that I haven't uploaded in so long. I have been having lots of family issues. I'm going to see how fast I could write Chapter 26. This story will be ending soon, but I will be starting a new book. Hope you guys have a great day! :D

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