Chapter 16

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Brandon's POV

I am moving to California. I know right, why so far away?, well turns out a record label wants me to go to Los Angeles and start recording right away. I want to tell Isabella but I just don't want to hurt her. I will tell her tomorrow since its Saturday. Let's see if I could do this...

Isabella's POV

The last bell finally rang meaning that it was time to go home. I put all my books in my backpack and headed to my locker. I was tapped on my shoulder. "Hey Bella, can we talk for a minute?"I knew that voice perfectly. It was Jason.
"Sure." I was kind of uneasy about this but I trust him right? "I know that we haven't talked much but I am doing this because Ashley told me to do so. I miss you a lot, but you know that I don't want to let my girlfriend down. I am sorry for what I am about to do" After I hear that word all I could see was a flash and then Jason was gone. Why? That's my only question. Why does Ashley hate me so much? I started heading for the doors and saw Andrew standing there. "Hey Bella" "Hey Andrew" we both gave each other a hug and we left to his car. The ride was silent but comfortable not awkward. When we reached his house it was so pretty. We both went inside and it was really nice. " So Bella what do you want to do?" " I don't know. What do you have in mind?" "Let's go to my backyard?" "Sure" We sat down under a tree in his backyard and talked for hours. It was time for me to go so he drove me home. "Thanks for everything Andrew!" "No problem Bella. Thanks for keeping me company." Then I walked into my house took a shower, brushed my teeth and went to sleep.

Saturday morning....

Yesssss Saturday!!! It was 7:46 am and I was fully awake so I took a shower, picked out a cute outfit, brushed my teeth, and made myself a sandwich and drank some apple juice. It was 11:04 am and all that I had done was clean the house while listening to really loud music and after that just watched movies. Then my phone buzzed.

From: Brandon
Hey can I come over?

From: Isabella
Sure! See u here :D

After about 15 minutes my doorbell rang. "Hey Brandon" I greeted him with a hug. "Hey Bella. I have something really important to tell you" Right now we were both seated on the couch. "Sure, ummm what's up?" "Well.......
Hey Guys!! How's it going? Did you guys start summer yet or not? So what do you guys think? Do you like Isabella and Brandon or Isabella and Andrew? What do you think Jason will do with that picture of Isabella? I hope all of you guys like it. I am thinking about ending this book pretty soon to start another one. Tell me what you think. Hope you guys have a great day! :D

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