Chapter 8

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As soon as they saw us they came over. Why did they have to be here!?.
"Hey freak, have you gained weight lately because you look fatter than ever, oh wait that's how you always look!" Then started the laughter, I just looked at the floor without words to express. "Look who's talking the girl who has a new boyfriend every single week or is it daily?" I instantly recognized that voice as Brandon's. He was standing up for me. No one had ever done that for me. "Guys lets leave them alone" That voice was from someone who I haven't heard from in a while. Andrew.

"Yeah let's leave the freaks alone. Lets hope they haven't infected us with ticks" Ashley said while "meanly" whipping her hair. The laughter came back. I looked up to see Andrew just looking at me. As they started to walk away Andrew asked me if we could talk for a minute. "Sure" I told Brandon to wait for me and he was okay with it. Andrew started speaking "Isabella, I am so sorry for everything I have done to you. I know I was a complete jerk and I am trying to stop them from bullying anyone else. I am sorry for leaving you alone when you most needed me. I am sorry for not being there to protect you" That's when I started to sob and so did he. "I am sorry for being how I have been with you. I know that you probably don't want to forgive me, but I will try to prove you that I am trying to stop this bullying. I am sorry" That was all he said before he left. I just stood there without anything to say. After all he did care.
I had to go back to Brandon and I had to say that I had to go home. This was something that I wanted to think about.
Hey guys! I know its short but next time I will try to make it longer. Hope you guys have a nice day! :) A quick shout out to my friend Jomairis Gonzalez

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