Chapter 14

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In the Janitors Closet

Their laughter kept ringing in my ears. "Why Isabella, or.. Is it Bella? Jajajaja. You thought we will let you get away with what you did? You surely are dumb." Then laughter again. "I..I I was sorry" I tried not to stutter but I did anyways. "Is little baby Bella scared?" Then they laugh as she does a pout with her lips. "Don't be because you deserved this for spilling fruit punch all over my favorite outfit!!" All I felt after that was kicks, punches and, one was hitting be with a broom? I felt as if I was going to black out soon. I was coughing out blood and I also had a bloody nose for trying to defend myself, but it seemed as if they didn't care. They stood up, fixed their clothes and left me there. All I heard before I blacked out was a gasp.

Nick's POV

I was walking down the halls when I heard crying coming from the janitor's closet. I decided to take a look and what I saw startled me. Isabella laying there with blood all around her and she looked really beaten. I gasped and immediately ran to her to help her. I know that I have done this to her before but I always felt broken when I did it and always wanted to help her but I always pick my reputation over my 'best friend'. But this time I needed to help her. I saw a first aid kid and immediately picked it up. I started to clean up her blood and to try to make her wake up, which worked. As soon as she opened her eyes she started to scoot back. "Don't worry Bella. I don't want to hurt you, I just want to help you." "Why do you want to help me Nick when all you have done is break me over these past years?!" "I am sorry Bella. I have done this for my reputation. I have always wanted to run to you and help you. I could never bear to look into your eyes because all that I would see would be fear. I have missed you. I have no one I can truly count on, but you know I did this to get popular. I miss our friendship but I can't, I need to keep my status, I am trying as hard as possible to stop the bullying. I am sorry." After this I felt somewhat relieved, but still very guilty. "How do I know that this isn't part of the revenge plan that Ashley has on me." "Because if it were to be part of the plan I wouldn't be talking to you."
"I forgive you Nick" When I heard those words I felt as surprised as I have ever felt. I can't believe she actually forgave me. "Thank You so much!!!" I then rushed to her and hugged her. "Owe" "Oh sorry, I forgot".

Isabella's POV

When I heard what Nick had to say I felt bad and I knew that I had to forgive him. All I wanted to say to him was 'I miss you too' , but I didn't. After I forgave Nick and he helped me, we both left to class I only had two more classes left until lunch. Lets see what happens then.
Hey Guys! Double update! I hope you guys like it! Hope you guys have a nice day! :D

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