Chapter 24

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(Skylar's picture is on the top)

Arggggg!!! My alarm. It felt like it was too early. Which it was. It was about 6:30 am and I had to get up for school. I was still wondering why Jason bothered to come to my house to leave that note. I showered and then put on some black skinny jeans, a white shirt, a black and white varsity jacket, black combat boots, and my black beanie. I went downstairs and ate breakfast. After that I took my skateboard and headed towards the school. It wasn't such a long journey since I took some new learned short cuts.

First period went by quickly since we were doing partner assignments and I paired up with Skylar. She had told me that she had always had a crush on Nick, but never had the courage to go talk to him until now. Its so adorable!

Now it its second period and I'm walking through the halls to my second class. The hallways were very crowded. I bet that you could almost smell anxiousness all over, or is it just me. Probably it's me. I was heading towards my locker but someone stopped me. "Hey Bella, umm, I was wondering if you wanted to come over today." Andrew said while scratching the back of his neck. One thing that we both have in common is that we both bit our lips when we get nervous. "Sure, at what time?" "Like at 4:00, is that good for you?"
"Yeah, I'll see you at 4:00" "Okay see ya" "Bye" and with that he left. This is the first time that we have talked after what happened on Monday.

I arrived to my class, but two persons weren't there. The teacher had sent me to get some copies from the office. All you could hear in the hallway were my feet clicking on the ground. Mostly everyone was in class. As I turned the corned I froze at what I saw.

Andrew's POV

After talking to Bella I decided to go to my locker to get my books for my next class. I felt relieved after what I told Bella on Monday. She was the first person (excluding my parents) that I have told that to. As I was walking a hand on my wrist stopped me from moving. I turned around and saw Ashley. She has been bothering me a lot lately and I don't know why. "What do you want Ashley?" You could almost hear the venom in my voice. "What are you doing this Friday night? We could maybe hang out, or go to eat somewhere." Ashley started twirling her hair while saying this. I am so tired of her trying to go out with me. "No Ashley, I'm not going anywhere with you. I have already told you that I don't like you that way. Please just stop asking me that." I tried to turn around, but her nails or how I like to call them claws dug into my skin. I was able to rip my wrist away from her hold. I saw her look to the side and then come close to my ear. As she whispered "I'm wondering how you are going to explain this to Isabella." After this she laughed in a dark and mysterious tone. She turned around and left. I looked where she had looked before and saw a pale faced Bella. "Bella this isn't how it looks, please let me explain." I rushed towards her. I wanted to hold her close and tell her that what she saw wasn't true. I wanted to tell her that I would never do that to her.

Isabella's POV

Ashley was kissing Andrew. I couldn't move. All I felt was a single drop of warm liquid running down my face. "Bella this isn't how it looks, please let me explain." He rushed towards me but I just pushed him back "Please don't Andrew, it's your life and you can do whatever you want, just please don't say anything" I turned around and exited the school. I didn't care about anything. I just wanted to be alone.
Hey Guys! I decided to update today since I had a little bit of free time. I hope you guys liked it. What did you think about Andrew's PoV? Did you see that coming? Tell me what you think :) Hope you guys have a great day! :)

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