Chapter 29

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Hey guys! I'm really sorry, but some pictures of the story aren't showing . But the picture says   'Let's cuddle and watch the stars'
      As we entered the dance all you could see were lots of blue, red, green, yellow, etc lights all over. Very pretty decorations and a table of delicious snacks. Wait SNACKS! What if my predictions were right?! What if I really do fall on that table?! Now I'm even more nervous. "Hey, so let's go find the guys" Sky said and Kate and I nodded and left to find them.

     I saw Andrew talking with his friends and the girls and I moved towards them. He looked very cute! He always looks cute with his normal clothes, but this time he looked even cuter. As soon as he saw me his jaw dropped. I hope no flies go into his mouth, jajajaja.

                         Andrew's POV

       I had gone to pick up Jayden and Nick and then left to the dance. It looked really cool. All the lights and stuff. We then found a couple of our other friends and started talking with them. I can't wait to see Isabella. I'm sure she'll look gorgeous. And as if on cue I see her friend Kate, Sky and Bella. She looked jaw dropping. She looked so different and I'm guessing she was thinking the same about because she was checking me out. "Take a picture, it will last longer" I smirked as I said this. She started blushing, but soon it turned in a grin with a hint of mischief "Do you need a napkin because you are drooling a little bit" with this she smirked. Am I? I touched around my mouth and felt nothing. "Really? I can't believe I fell for that" I looked down embarrassed as she laughed a little. "Jajajaja don't worry about it" And instantly she did that breathtaking smile of hers. "Do you wanna dance?" I was pretty nervous as to what she would say. I hope she says yes.

                     Isabella's POV

        "Do you wanna dance?" He asked very nervous. "Sure, I'd love to" he smiled cheekily and offered me his hand to dance. I took it and soon we started dancing. After a lot of dancing, talking and sweating a slow song came on. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he put his hands on my waist. He stared deeply into my eyes. I could see the little speck of green in his eyes. "Come with me I want to show you something." I nodded and followed him to the parking lot. "Where are we going?" I was really curious as to where he was taking me. "It's a surprise" he did a genuine smile and his voice sounded sweet and honest and I instantly knew that I could trust him.

        After a couple of minutes of him driving we finally reached the destination. Before we got out of the car he asked me "Do you trust me?" "Yeah" I answered. "Okay, then come with me" we started walking and soon I saw a beautiful field of flowers. It was amazing! "This is so beautiful! How did you find this place?" The moon illuminated the field beautifully. All the stars shone their brightest. "I really hoped that you would like it. Sometimes I come here when I need to think. You the first person I have ever brought here" This really melted my heart. "I'm coming right back I just need to get something" then he turned around and left me there, but he came back quickly with a two blankets and two pillows. "I sort of had this planned out and I was hoping if you would like to stay here and look at the stars?" I rubbed the back of his neck nervously. He looked so cute. "Andrew this is one of the sweetest things someone has ever done for me. I would love to do that" He had a huge smile on his face as I helped him set everything up. As soon as it was all ready we both laid down to look up at the shining sky.

     He started showing me some constellations and I showed him some that I saw too. We talked and we laughed for what seemed forever. Soon he turned to face me and I turned to face him as we were still laying on the blanket. "Umm Bella, can I ask you a question?" "Yeah sure, what's up?". "Okay so first of all I didn't want to tell you this earlier because I didn't want it to ruin our friendship" This kind of scared me. I wonder what he is going to ask."You're kind of scaring me Andrew, is everything okay?" He nodded and replied "Yeah, umm, well here it goes. Since the first moment I saw you I knew there was something special about you. When I started to get to know you I figured out that you were just as wonderful as I thought. Your smile, your eyes, your personality, just everything about you made my heart race. I have never felt like this about anyone before. I guess that what I'm trying to say is that I like you. I really like you and I have like you for a while. And I have been waiting for this moment for a while. So here it goes..umm. Bella would you like to be my girlfriend?" I was so surprised and in a state of shock. "Andrew I...........
     Hey Guys! I hope you guys like that cliffhanger (smiles evily) xD I have about a week off school so I am trying to do as many chapter as possible. What do you guys think Isabella is going to say? What did you guys think about what Andrew did? Is it too cliche? I really hoped you guys like it :) Hope you guys have a great day! :D

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