Chapter 19

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After that conversation finished the whole rest of the ride was silent except for the music that he had on. Finally after like 30 minutes we had reached the beach. I was so excited, and maybe a tiny bit nervous. I mean I haven't talked to him in a long time excluding when he helped me and spending so many hours together after all the things he has done (even though he apologized) it still feels nerve racking. Nick parked the car and we got of. The beach was beautiful. I haven't been here in long time. "Come on" nick told me with a small smile. We then walked to a shady spot and put our stuff there. We sat there for a couple of minutes. Then Nick stood up and looked and me. He stretched his hand towards me and says "Come on, lets go to the water" I can't say that I didn't think about it for a moment but then I finally said "Ok" and took his hand. He took off his shirt and I had to take off the shirt that I covering the top part of my bikini. I decided to leave the shorts because I felt more comfortable.

"The last to get there will get an egg to the head tomorrow." After he said this I took all the strength that I had inside of me and started running towards the water. What surprised me was that he was a little behind me. Once we got to the water I splashed him. "Yes! I won! So does that mean that I get to crack an egg on top of your tomorrow Nick?" I said this with a little smirk. "I guess so, but not I get one on you first" And then it was his turn to smirk. "Let's see about that" then I smirked and started running once I remembered that he had brought eggs and I asked him what they were for and he said for nothing. He ran towards the car and got the eggs and I started running even though people were giving we weird looks.

Once I didn't see him anymore I sat down to breath and suddenly I felt two arms wrap around my waist and a voice that I recognized really said "I got you" and then I felt a liquid on top of my head, that's when I turned around, took an egg from him and cracked it on top of his head. I started running toward the spot where we first were. Once I got there two strong arms went around my waist and spun me around. We were both laughing so much that people were looking at us really weird.

I turned around to face him once his arms had let me go. "I missed you Nick. I missed you being there for me." "I missed you too Bella. And I promised that from now on I will always be there for you no matter what" Then he gave me the biggest hug and said "You want some Ice Cream?" "Sure" Then we walked talking about what had happened in our lives for all these years while we got Ice Cream.
Hey Guys! Sorry it's been so long. I am already starting Chapter 20. How have you guys been? I missed you guys! Hope you guys have a great day! :D

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