Chapter 21

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"We're all part of the same sick little games and I need to get away, get away" My All Time Low ringtone alarm sounded. Remind me to never put my favorite song as my alarm ever again. After hearing it so much it isn't my favorite anymore.

I got up but in the process of doing so I tripped on blanket and landed face first on the floor. I was so lazy that I didn't what to get up. So I ended up crawling to my bathroom. Yup I'm that lazy. It was 7:02 am and I was supposed to meet Nick at 8:00am so I decided to take a quick shower. After I came out of the shower I put on my towel around my body and went to my closet. I decided to wear a black shirt with dark skinny jeans a read flannel around my waist and my black converse and I did a messy ponytail. I wanted to be as comfortable as possible since I didn't know where I was gonna go today. I headed downstairs and ate a oatmeal and drank some orange juice. It was barely 7:40 so I decided to start watching an episode of Teen Wolf.

It was right now in a really exciting part in the episode when suddenly someone knocks on the door. Nooooooo... I had to turn off the Tv and grab my backpack and head towards the door. Nick was standing on my porch waiting patiently for me. "Hey Nick" "Hey Bella" we greeted each other with a hug. It was a little awkward but it was a feeling that I had to get use to.

I = Isabella

"So what are we gonna do today?" I
"How about we go to Sydney? My aunt lives there and we could go visit her. Remember aunt Lydia?" N
"Is she the one that made the delicious chocolate chip cookies?" I
"Yup" N
"Sure lets go" I

We then headed to the car. It was going to be a "long" drive. Maybe a couple of hours but I really wasn't sure. We had made a plan to make a couple of stop to use the bathroom or to get snacks.

*a couple of hours later*

We had finally arrived. Sydney is beautiful. I had been here only once and that was when I was friends with Nick to visit his aunt. She is a really nice person and cooks amazing. I love her chocolate chip cookies.

"So where should we go first?" N

I was so excited to explore Sydney that I didn't know where to start.

"How about the Sea Life Sydney Aquarium?" This was the first place that came to mind. Since what I mostly did during the ride was look for places to visit.

"Sure, let me call my aunt and tell her that we are here and ask her if we could go by later" N

"Ok" I took this opportunity to send a text to my mom to see how everything is going over there.
........... My mom said that everything was great and that she hoped that everything was okay here. She said that she really missed me and I told her that I really missed her. She had to keep working so we left it at that.

After a while Nick hung up and told me that his aunt said that she was super excited to see us and that his uncle was working but he would be over by 5:00 pm so she invited us over for dinner at 5:30. He of course accepted and then he said he had to go.

We had arrived at the aquarium and it was awesome. We shared so many laughs we took so many pictures. We started trying to do the fishes faces and people were giving us weird looks. We had so much fun.

*a couple hours later*

We had gone to so many awesome and beautiful places like: St. Mary's Cathedral, Port Jackson, Wild Life Sydney, and lots of more places. It was about 5:00 so we decided to start heading towards his aunts house just in case we got lost we still had spare time.

After getting lost and missing turns a couple of times we finally arrived. It was 5:20 pm so we decided to walk around the neighborhood to make time. We saw so many pretty houses and just talked about random topics. It was time to head back so we started walking towards their house.

Their house was beautiful. It was a cream colored two story house. It looked very warm.

Aunt Lydia= AL
Uncle Ryan= UR

"You guys have grown up so much!!!" AL
She gave us a warm welcome into her beautiful home. I haven't seen Mr. Ryan. The always wanted me to call them by their first names so I did that. "How have you guys been? Isabella you are a beautiful grown woman. And you Nick such a grown gentleman." AL
"Thank You very much Lydia. I missed you guys. Ryan does Lydia still make the delicious chocolate chip cookies?" I smirked at my own question I really wanted to know. "Of course she does, she even made some for dessert and some for you guys to take with. Since she knows that you love them." UR
"Thank You so much!!" Nick and I sad at the same time. Then we all laughed.

Dinner was wonderful. We had lasagna and then cookies after. They were so funny. We had a great time. But sadly we had to say goodbye to head home but Nick had said that he wanted to make one more stop before leaving.

We soon headed to the surprise destination that Nick wanted to go to. It turned out to be the Sydney Harbour Bridge. It was amazing!!! "I wanted to take you here to finish the day. I knew you would really like it. I hope that our friendship can go back to the way it was before. Your an.. amazing friend and I don't know what I would do without your weirdness." Nick told me. This really warmed my heart. This is what I missed the most about Nick. The small details were the biggest surprises. "Nick this is amazing. Your an incredible friend and I don't know what I would do without you craziness" after this we headed home.

*a couple hours later (sorry for so many time skips)*

We said our goodbyes and then I headed inside. We decided to finish the paper tomorrow after school. I headed off to shower. Got dressed and went off to sleep. Today was an awesome day with an incredibly amazing friend.
Hey Guys!! I'm so sorry that I haven't updated for so long. I hope you guys like this long chapter. :) I only two weeks left of summer and I'm so nervous to start school. Hope you guys have a great day! :D

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