Supplementary Classes /Part 2/

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Can you imagine an hourglass slowly trickling down sand?

Let's say that would be an accurate representation of the countdown to Hinata, Oikawa and Akaashi's date, a thrilling torture until the moment they met. The evening was closing in on them and they were getting ready for it, mentally and physically. They've been waiting for this eagerly, Hinata's actions thinning out their patience in the sweetest of ways. A fine torture it was, which they plan to return soon enough. But let's not get too far ahead, shall we?

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The amount of steam in Oikawa's bathroom fogs the whole place, he's been sitting inside a bubbly bathtub for some time now, poking at a rubber duck and making it sail aimlessly. There's a peaceful silence only disturbed by the sound of water drops seeping from the faucet. His gaze is contemplative, reflecting his current state of mind. Since his encounter with Kageyama he's been deep in thought trying to sort his emotions, "Stupid Tobio-chan getting so earnest on me, thinking you're the only one that cares about're not that special." His pride is severely wounded, he got told off by Kageyama and he was too surprised at his words to fight back, yet part of what he said made him happy.

"Shouyou likes me a lot," he can't get that out of his head, "...I admitted I like him too," his chest feels warm but he blames it on the high temperature.

It was a rare occurrence for Oikawa to mull over something like this, to him it was more convenient to let things flow without a care, less painful for feelings to remain superficial. That break up with his last girlfriend years ago still gnaws at him, she abandoned him with the excuse that she felt neglected due to his dedication to volleyball, and looking back it was probably true. It hurt more than he'd expected and since then he decided it wasn't worth getting too invested in a relationship, volleyball would be his top priority. And then he starts getting closer to Hinata and his resolution wavers, "It's just normal to like someone you're fucking with, so what?" he tries to convince himself. He looks at his hands, he's getting wrinkled and he can't go to a date unless he looks absolutely flawless, so he gets out in a hurry splashing water everywhere and starts putting on the clothes he carefully selected for once.

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Tokyo subway station, Akaashi double checks his pockets to make sure he's not missing anything before going into the train to Miyagi prefecture. Wallet, phone, earphones, keys, train ticket, condom. "Just to be safe, it's going to be a long day together," he blushes a little at the forethought, but he's sure bringing one is a good idea. He picks a seat by the window and puts on his earphones to listen to some music, his hands rest inside his jacket pockets fiddling with the squared foil with his fingers. Staring at his reflection he wonders how has he ended tangled up in a relationship like this with Hinata, the man has a small harem of setters to his disposal and apparently he's now part of it. Maybe he shouldn't have spent that first night at Hinata's home, should have left as soon as things heated up, it was the responsible thing to do. But when he got offered the chance to join Oikawa and Hinata in bed he couldn't refuse, he enjoyed himself that night and he doesn't regret it, Hinata was amazing and now he's too hooked up to stop.

"There's nothing wrong with it, even Bokuto-san said so," he thinks as he nips his bottom lip anxiously, "I just like being with Hinata, I don't care if someone else is involved."

The always reserved, logical and stern Akaashi, accepting to be a casual friend with benefits. Could it be that he's wilder than he lets on, or are his feelings clouding his judgement? All of his previous relationships have been nothing but ordinary, he committed exclusively to one person, so he feels like a fish out of water whenever he's in a situation where he's forced to share Hinata with the other setters. He closes his eyes for a while resting his head on the window glass, "Don't overthink it, today only having fun matters."

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