Setters Do It Better

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'by orphan_account'

: Hinata Shoyou x Oikawa Tooru

Hinata is not excited about his second semester of university. Maybe more excited than the first semester, but that's only because he gets to actually take one or two classes in physical therapy, not just spend all his time struggling through general education classes that he isn't even interested in.

Practice is bright and early, and he drags his feet as he walks, not sure if he truly wants to go. He loves volleyball but... Hinata has always considered himself good at making friends, but something about his current volleyball team has eluded him. He's alone on campus.

He checks his phone quickly before practice to try and soothe the ache of loneliness.

Kageyama sent "First day of your next semester. I'm doing well; hope you are the same." Hinata's lips quirk upward again. "doing well n can't wait to beat you this semester--Rematch Time!!!"

It helps, but not enough.

Hinata walks into the locker room, opens his locker, and pulls his shirt over his head.

"This locker taken?" someone says on the other side of his locker door. Hinata knows the voice is familiar, but can't quite place it. Then again, he's not close to any of his teammates, so he thinks nothing of it.

"Nope," Hinata says. "But hey; how are you?" He's taken aback when his teammate snorts.

"You don't even know me," snaps the teammate.

"I'm pretty sure I do," Hinata says.

"You're a freshie, right?"

"Yeah." Hinata shrugs, and realizes too late that the boy on the other side of the locker door won't see it.

"Then you don't know me. I've been on study abroad."

Hinata frowns. "I know your voice."

"I'm gonna prove to me that you don't--" The boy on the other side of the door pushes it closed and instantly freezes. " "

The man staring at him is taller than Hinata remembers, features more defined, but he carries himself the exact same way he did in high school.


Oikawa's face goes through a litany of emotions that Hinata can't quite read, then settles into a grin. "Chibi-chan?"


Oikawa must have played a lot of volleyball in Argentina, because the first thing Hinata realizes is that his skills have increased exponentially since high school.

The second thing Hinata realizes is that he doesn't hate Oikawa anymore. It'd been easy to do so in high school, to hate the rival team member who'd seemed determined to antagonize his best friend. But it's been a long time since then, and all that's left is a vague curiosity as to if Oikawa might be his first friend on campus.

Certainly there's some kind of connection between them, because Hinata keeps hitting perfect spike after perfect spike. When they begin a scrimmage, Oikawa's on Hinata's team, and Hinata keeps up his streak of success. He doesn't really talk to Oikawa; they're too busy for that. Their coach keeps them moving. But they exchange grins and even a couple of high fives. All that bodes well for Hinata's plan.

The plan goes like this: Hinata showers and changes like woosh , and then corners Oikawa once he finishes changing. The premise for asking Oikawa over is that he'd missed a semester of the team's games and could probably use to catch up. Hinata had kept the tapes and could ask if Oikawa wanted to come over to watch them.

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