Practice Makes Perfect

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‘by Nate_de_Coco’

:Hinata Shoyo x Miya Atsumu

One day, Atsumu shows up to practice with a fever.

His skin is scalding to the touch. He's flushed all over, and sweating profusely despite his limited exertions. He looks dazed, and whimpers in pain at the slightest touch.

Needless to say, both coach and captain did not allow him to practice that day.

Still, Atsumu was insistent that he stay. He can at least watch if he can't play. The season is coming up, he can't slack off. He'll be good, he won't make a sound. But he has to be here. He has to.

Coach Foster and Meian both get the sense that sending Atsumu home in this condition will do him more harm than good - most likely of his own doing, too. Meian is no Shinsuke Kita; there's only so much he can make Atsumu do when the setter gets in a mood.

So they agree. And in short order, the Jackals' day is starting while their setter sits in the sidelines, a bottle of water in one hand, an unopened ibuprofen in another. They start with warmups, before moving to their first 2v2 of the day - a brutal match between Bokuto and Hinata, and Sakusa and Barnes.

It's less of a practice match and more of a brawl, the ball flying too fast for Atsumu's dizzy state. So he shuts his eyes, concentrates on his breathing, and does his level best to center himself when all of a sudden-

"Tsum-Tsum, watch out!"

And he wouldn't have needed that warning if Bokuto didn't decide to follow up - literally.

Because the ball his teammate warned him about would have hit the wall harmlessly, far enough away from him that he wasn't even at risk of a rebound. But Bokuto, his too energetic, too tenacious teammate, refused to give up even this one point, and dove after the ball -

- bodily slamming into Atsumu as a result.

"Miya!" Coach Foster calls out, already running the width of the court. Atsumu lies limply on the ground, clutching his groin as Bokuto fawns over him, apologizing profusely. "Miya, are you okay? Where are you hurt? Here?" Coach asks in concern, prodding Atsumu's legs, which earns him a long, pitiful whimper. "Ah, shit, Hinata! Get over here and check him. Looks like Bokuto smacked straight into his family jewels."

Shoyo kneels by his fallen teammate, eyes aglow with concern and mirth. Beside him, Bokuto's own expression waver between worry, guilt, and hilarity. Meian silences them both with a frosty glare. "Let me see, Tsumu-san." Shoyo nudges gently but Atsumu holds firm. "C'mon Tsumu-san , no need to be shy. You know I'm a professional."

"Miya, I know it hurts, but you gotta let Hinata do his work. Nurse Sato's only on half day today; we might as well get some use out of Hinata's Red Cross certification."

Shoyo visibly preens. Beach volleyball was tough. Getting injured in a place where one hardly speaks the language was tougher. Learning first aid and getting certified for it was still one of his prouder moments. "Don't worry, I'll be gentle." He says softly.

Atsumu groans, "Can you - ugh - just take me to the infirmary - please -"

"Alright, alright." Shoyo concedes, moving to lift up his teammate. "Are you able to walk at all on your own, Tsumu-san?" The glare he shoots at his spiker was rather venomous, but the team figures when one's family jewels have taken a considerable hit, a little vitriol can be excused. "I'd take that as a no, then. Alright, I'll carry you."

Slowly, gently, between a plethora of choice vocabulary from the injured party and too many hands trying to get him upright, they finally manage to secure Atsumu onto Hinata's back. With the ease with which the shorter hitter gets back on his feet, one would think Atsumu weighed like a feather. He groans at the motion, burying his face in the crook of Shoyo's neck. "I got you," Shoyo chuckles, "Well, we're out for a bit. Coach, are you okay if I stay with Tsumu-san for a bit? I'll send him home when he's a little better."

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