Take Me As I Am

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'by fauxserenity'

: Hinata Shoyou x Nishinoya Yuu

Nishinoya Yuu has a weakness not even his boyfriend, Shouyou, knows. Yuu loves kisses, his insides going all gooey and he just feels so complete, it doesn't matter if it's a kiss on the forehead, a peck on the cheek, kissing his knuckles, anywhere. Though he's a sucker for sloppy, heated make outs, loving when his boyfriend hugs him, swooping him out of his feet as their lips find each other. And when Shouyou begins to kiss the rest of his body? Yuu is a dead man.

It had taken some time for Shouyou to notice, blinded by the sheer love and admiration he held for his boyfriend. He didn't think much about it at first, when he would kiss Yuu, just a quick little peck on the lips, and the boy would practically melt between his arms. How he pressed closer whenever Shouyou's lips found the exposed skin of his neck, arms hugging that slim waist from behind. All those little happy hums when given a kiss on his forehead after a good reception during practice or during a game, though those were reserved for when they left the stadium.

The day Shouyou realized it was one late evening at his house, Natsu and his mom were long gone to buy some things to make dinner when the couple arrived. He and Yuu came together after practice to do some homework and spend some time together.

"I can't do this anymore," Yuu complains, letting his head fall and rest against his pile of homework. "If I have to do another equation, I might just explode," he continues and Shouyou can't do anything but watch, amused by his boyfriend's behavior.

"We can take a break, we're almost done anyways," the redhead prompts with a smile.

He gets up from the floor, stretching and letting out a groan when his back pops, Nishinoya follows his movements with his eyes and smiles when their eyes meet. Hinata walks to the bed and rests against the header, patting the space next to him, and that's all that he needs to do for the shorter one to take a seat next to him.

Silence is a bit uncommon with the pair, but they still enjoy it whenever it extends between the two, lost in each other.

"Shouyou," Yuu whispers without breaking eye contact.

The spiker can only reply with a humm, eyes dropping to the other's lips, Yuu knows, he knows, and smiles before making his request known to his boyfriend.

"Kiss me."

And that's all it takes for Shouyou to cave in, guiding a hand to grab the back of Nishinoya's neck as he leans closer, until their lips meet. Yuu's lips part easily, letting the other explore freely, savoring the small noises Nishinoya makes, low whimpers that have him wanting more. Shouyou kisses the boy almost hungrily, his other hand going to rest on top of the exposed skin of Yuu's thigh, letting his fingers explore and press on the milky skin.

When they eventually part, Yuu follows the spiker's lips for more, a pout on his kiss-swollen lips when he doesn't get what he wants.

"You liked it that much?" Shouyou asks, letting a small chuckle escape, he takes in the disheveled appearance of his boyfriend, loving how blown pupils leave only a small trace of those brown irises that the redhead loves so much.

Kisses mean everything to Yuu, Shouyou learns that night when he has the boy sitting on top of him. Yuu's shirt is somewhere on the floor along with his homework, Hinata's hands mapping the toned body on top of him with so much delicacy it has Yuu squirming with anticipation, with the need for more. His own hands have found their way into curly locks, his lips attached to the younger's neck, leaving soft nips and kisses that have Shouyou sighing and moaning lowly, only for Yuu to listen to.

"Yuu," Shouyou moans louder this time when the boy sucks a hickey right on top of his collarbone.


Hinata can only be so strong and having his boyfriend, all pretty, sitting on top of him, calling for him with that breathless tone, is what eventually breaks him. Soon, their positions change, Shouyou caging the smaller body under his own, his hands pinning the boy to the mattress as he dives right to his neck, kissing all the way from his jaw to his lower stomach, where he bites lightly, sucking on the pale skin until he leaves a trace of love bites. The attention has the libero under him arching his back and calling for him, asking for more between moans.

"What do you want me to do, baby ?" Shouyou asks as he goes back up to take those red-bitten lips between his teeth, biting lightly until he gets a whimper as a response.

Nishinoya can't seem to form a coherent sentence, completely lost in what is his boyfriend and his kisses, his touches and his voice rumbling against his own chest by how close they are pressed together. Yuu's hands grab Shouyou's uniform shirt and unbutton it with shaky fingers, pale skin coming into view. The shirt finds the same fate as Yuu's, somewhere on the floor as the pair of hands begin to roam Shouyou's body, he commits every dip and scar to memory. Hinata is looking at him from above with a fond smile that only breaks when he feels a tug to his nipple, making him groan.

Shouyou grinds against Yuu's hips, a moan escapes both of them as their bodies connect once again, movements becoming more frantic, moans louder and the strain in his pants hard to ignore. Hinata gasps as he feels strong thighs bracketing his hips and turning them around, his back now pressed to the mattress while Yuu sits on top of him, erection nestled perfectly between Yuu's asscheeks.

It becomes a game for them, moans are barely concealed as they can only think of the other and how their bodies feel, imagining how it would feel to do more than just grinding their hips together, but they know that now's not the time and they know, they are aware that they should probably keep quiet, just in case Shouyou's family comes back.

But then, Yuu's cumming in his pants as he calls Shoyou's name like a mantra. And Hinata is right there to catch him, to hide him from everyone even if they are alone, because Nishinoya Yuu is the prettiest being Shouyou has ever seen, and having him all blissed out thanks to an orgasm, thanks to him , tips him to the edge and soon he's following the older's steps.

The room becomes quiet once again, both of them trying to gain back their breaths. They feel sticky all over but can't be bothered by it for the time being, not when Shouyou is kissing Yuu's face all over again, not when their lips find each other and they kiss, long and slow, unhurriedly with the distant sound of the city. And if the next morning Nishinoya appears with a uniform a bit looser than the one he usually wears, it is only Hinata's business and maybe his own.

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