Call Me and Tell Me How Much You Need me

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'by xllx (exasperatedmoron)'

: Hinata Shoyou x Kageyama Tobio

The heater was broken. Again .

It was amazing, really. Tobio was an Olympian that could afford an apartment in New York if he wanted. And yet, he lived in a small apartment in the middle of Rome. An apartment with a very wonky heater.

He swears that he started off his shower with relatively cold water but it somehow turned into a mini sauna near the end. At least it sped up his process, he had to leave for practice soon.

Usually his practice would start much earlier, but they just finished playing a match the previous day so their coach pushed their practice to the afternoon. Regardless, Tobio still woke up at his usual time and went on a run. The only difference was that he had a few extra hours to call up his friends and family back home.

It was nice catching up with them. Sugawara and Daichi showed Tobio the new nursery that they just painted the day before and his sister gave him a tour of her new salon. Tobio even had a call with Tsukishima because he wanted to see his and Yamaguchi's daughter. Despite being miles away, Tobio was glad that he was still very close with the people back home.

Although, the person he wanted to see most had practice during the hours that Tobio was free.

It was no surprise when Shouyou and Tobio started going out. Anyone with or without vision could have seen it coming. In fact, the surprising aspect was how late they became official. While most people expected them to do something about their relationship after high school, everyone didn't think they'd wait until after Shouyou had returned from Brazil.

Either way, the two of them have been going strong since then. They're both twenty-five now and a part of the JNT. Shouyou decided to stay in Japan with MSBY while Tobio took up the opportunity to play for Ali Roma.

Long distance wasn't too difficult for either of them. They fell into a routine when Shouyou was in Brazil and not much had changed since they began dating and Tobio moved to Italy. In fact, they meshed together a lot better now that they didn't need to come up with a reason to call everyday.

Tobio still chuckles when he remembers Shouyou calling him for help with fixing a lightbulb . As if Tobio knew anything about household maintenance back when he was nineteen.

Despite the fact that they managed to call every day, there were still some days where they could only call each other once or their call lasted for only a minute. Today was starting to look like one of those days.

Stepping out of the shower, Tobio grabbed the towel he had hung up on the rack and quickly dried off his hair. 'Dried off' was an overstatement, he just ruffled it up so that it wouldn't drip too much onto the carpet outside his bathroom.

With one hand working on his hair, Tobio used his other hand to pick up his phone and check his notifications for any news on Shouyou.

[Twitter] HitokaY_ sent a tweet: Look, someone made a fancam of Hinata's tan lines. Thought you might appreciate it~

[Twitter] OikawaTooru13 tweeted: Tobio-chan and Iwa-chan called earlier and didn't invite me :(( @Kags_Tobio @Hajime_Iwa are bullies, spread the word!

[Messages] Bonded by Balls 🏐 : Lmao. 'Tsumu twisted his ankle and was dramatic enough that his whole team had to end practice early today

[Messages] Bonded by Balls 🏐 : Shut ur trap ya fuckin rat

[Instagram] NoyaTravels_ sent a DM: Here's the page for the Italian place Asahi was telling you about! Trust me, it's SO good that it made me propose to him.

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