Carpet Burn

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'by witchy_alien'

: Hinata Shoyou x Kageyama Tobio

Kageyama unbuttoned his school shirt. Sliding it off of his shoulders he felt his muscles ache with each movement. He rolled his shoulders back to get try and get the knot out of his back. Stretching would help with that, but Kageyama was not looking forward to practice. His body screamed every time he bent down a little too fast or sat down too hard.

Ignoring the pain, Kageyama pulled his sports jersey over his head. That's when Tanaka let out a loud, "Wow!"

Glancing behind him, Kageyama saw Nishinoya staring at his back. "What the heck happened? You fall off your bike?"

Brow furrowing, Kageyama tried to look at whatever it was his teammate was seeing. Out of the corner of his eye he watched Hinata staring at his back as well before blushing and turning back around.

"Looks kind of like," Tadashi leaned in to observe his back, "carpet burn?"

"Gross," Tsukishima grimaced.

Instantly turning red, Kageyama glared at the boys. Tanaka pulled out a mirror to help Kageyama see his back. And there in the reflection was his skin rubbed raw and red. Actually seeing the mark made it burn. The sensitive skin ached and felt warm. Pain and heat radiating off of it.

The boys slinked out of the changing room, Tanaka left the mirror in Kageyama's hand. His glare fell onto Hinata who still had his back turned. Hinata shivered, knowingly feeling the anger rise through Kageyama.

Turning around Hinata rubbed the back of his head, "It was your idea." He let out an anxious laugh.

Kageyama blushed and looked to the ground. He wasn't wrong.

"And besides," Hinata bit his lower lip, "wasn't it fun?"

Kageyama choked on his own spit. "Just leave," He gave Hinata a small push towards the door. "I need to finish changing."

Nodding, Hinata left. Leaving Kageyama alone in his thoughts. It was his idea in the first place. An idea that wouldn't have been brought up if Hinata hadn't asked, though.


"Kageyama," Hinata said through a mouthful of food.

Looking down at him in disgust, Kageyama waited for him to finish chewing his food. He shoved the milk carton into his hand, silently telling him to drink some.

"What do you want for your birthday?" Hinata handed back the milk.

Looking at Hinata's lips he had to turn away. Dirty thoughts popped into his mind and he couldn't comfortably watch Hinata's wet pink lips.

"You're blushing," Hinata leaned in and smiled. "Is it something perverted?"

To Hinata's surprise, Kageyama nodded.

Which led to them at Kageyama's house the night before his birthday. Kageyama had disclosed to Hinata exactly what he wanted. And Hinata was all for it before. But now, standing in front of the bed, Hinata looked green.

"If you don't want to," Kageyama began.

"No!" Hinata jumped out of his thoughts. He turned to Kageyama, "Just show me them first."

Now that they were actually about to do it, Kageyama felt his heart race. From under his bed he took out a small box. Too embarrassed to open it himself, he shoved it into Hinata's arms. Hinata opened it with wide eyes. Kageyama sat down on the floor as he watched his boyfriend explore the box. They had been intimate many times before. It was just now Kageyama was bringing his toys into the picture. It wasn't anything too scary. He had explained to Hinata days before. Just small items he got here and there that he had tested out. He never said how many times he tested them, but Hinata didn't need to know how familiar he was with each item.

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