Feeding Wildlife is Strictly Forbidden

518 3 2

'by aki_penn'

: Hinata Shoyou x Kageyama Tobio

The pearly light of the full moon filtered through the partially fogged windows. It was amazing how bright it was away from the city traffic. Somewhere out there must have been an owl hooting with rhythmic cadence.

There was probably a stream not far away, although he and Kageyama had not noticed it when they had decided to park their car in that space. What he heard was definitely the sound of flowing water, mixed with the endless whispers of wind and rustling leaves.

Hinata blinked his sleep-swollen eyelids and stared at the roof of the pick-up truck they had rented. He had his shoulder pressed against the cold metal of the truck to allow Kageyama to lie down diagonally, as far as possible. He still had to crouch his legs, but with that arrangement at least he didn't have to stay with his knees pressed to his chest.

The mattress they had stuffed into the back of the pick-up was comfortable enough, but space remained tight and Tobio was stupidly tall.

He heard Kageyama sighing next to him, cheek resting on his shoulder and the woolen hat decorated with small deer rubbing against his temple.

It was cold in the car, and under the covers the part of his body that was in contact with Kageyama's torso was warm, Kageyama was wonderfully warm, but his nose and feet were freezing.

And worst of all, he was too tired even to sleep.

"Are you awake?" mumbled Kageyama without opening his eyes.

"Yeah, I can't sleep."

"Me neither."

Kageyama opened one sleepy eye and looked at him sullenly

"It's the jet lag."

"And that stupid bird. What time is it?"
The owl seemed to resent Kageyama's words and hooted with renewed fervor.

Hinata looked around for his cell phone amidst the three woolen blankets they had used to cover themselves. Maybe when they got further south the temperatures might rise, but that night in the middle of the nature park it was really cold.


"And in Japan?"

"Four o'clock in the afternoon."

Kageyama emitted a sort of grunt and stuck his head under Hinata's armpit. "This moon makes a lot of light, it bothers me so much."

"We can't turn off the moon, stupid."

Kageyama raised his head back up in a huff, making the pompom sewn on his hat dance and sporting such a frown that even Hinata propped himself up on his elbows and frowned.

"I know we can't turn off the moon, but it was your idea to sleep here."

"It was my idea and I was absolutely right because, firstly, we don't have the money to go to a hotel, secondly, it's a beautiful life experience. If it were up to you, we would have spent the holidays at home!" retorted Hinata, stepping forward and almost touching Tobio's nose with his own.

"It's not beautiful at all, that stupid bird is driving me crazy and I can't sleep!"

"You can't sleep because you didn't take melatonin like my mother suggested!"

They had both jumped up in their seats, like two popcorn popping out of the pot, and were wide awake.

"That stuff doesn't do anything, you can't sleep either, you moron!"

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