Study Smarter, Not Harder /Part 1/

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'by tid8bit'

Hinata stands dumbfounded as he sees Nekoma's former captain reach out to him after the game is over. For a second he thinks he's being approached by a yakuza. One wearing sneakers at that.

"So world famous Kodzuken and I were thinking of making a collaboration video, and we wondered if you'd like to join us since it'd be a perfect chance to introduce you as a pro volleyball player, Hinata." Kuroo leisurely flings an arm over Hinata's shoulder giving his usual cheshiresque smile.

"Woah, Kuroo-san, you have your own business card...and a fancy suit!" the boy shouts excited about meeting his friends again. "You bet I'm joining, even though I don't know what I'll be doing I'm sure it'll be fun so long you guys are with me!" he can't help grinning as wide as possible, deciding to ignore the suspicious glares from his teammates.

"Then that settles it. I'll let Kenma know and he'll give you the details, we'll probably do a casual live stream at his house and we can catch up on things later." Kuroo ruffles Hinata's hair and teases him about his height for old times' sake before leaving. "See ya soon, shorty."

- - -

Around midnight Hinata's phone buzzes again, and he beams up reading Kenma's name on the screen. It's been a non stop flood of messages all day from his teammates and friends, not every day you beat the Adlers on a game like that.

-Kenma: congrats on your win today Shouyou :)

-Shouyou: KENMA!! I had so much fun Kageyama and Ushijima-san were pretty strong but I managed to receive a lot of their attacks did you see my spikes btw?? I think I flied even higher today HIGHER THAN HOSHIUMI-SAN AND (Shouyou is typing...)

-Kenma: alright, got it, you're super happy right now

Kenma imagines Hinata prancing around like a child with a brand new volley ball, and he laughs at himself at the mental picture. "Too cute, can't wait to meet up with him and Kuroo."

-Kenma: oh, I just remembered Kuroo said you'll join our collab video, think you'll be free by next weekend?

-Shouyou: I'll skip practice if I have to

For anyone else it would seem silly and trivial, but Kenma deeply appreciates Hinata willing to sacrifice his beloved practice to do something together. He would be lying if he said he doesn't miss their late night gaming sessions followed by more taxing activities under the blankets.

-Kenma: :)

-Kenma: it'll be an international interview so there will be people sending questions in other languages, we might have to reply in English

Hinata freezes. Obviously he's fluent in Portuguese after all the time spent in Brazil, but English wasn't exactly his favorite subject ever since high school, falling asleep often during lectures. Big mistake, looking back.

-Shouyou: I think I'll manage

"Damnitdamnitdamnit- think Shouyou think, this is a high level emergency, you haven't studied English in what feels like years which is probably accurate, what if you slip up and screw the whole interview because you start blabbing like an idiot? Nowaynowaynoway-" Hinata rolls around in bed unable to sleep. Then his eyes go wide in a sudden realization. "I know! I just have to practice a little, I have a whole week, I can do this, I can't let Kenma down."

Hinata grabs his phone again, scrolling through his contacts. Out of all the people he knows Tsukishima is most likely the best at English, he always aced his tests, but he can already imagine his reply followed by a loud "TSK." Kageyama? No, his grades were just as bad as his, a recipe for disaster. Hinata sighs, and sends a text to Bokuto in a clearly desperate attempt to get help.

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