Rock, Paper, Dumbass Hinata!

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'by butterbeex'

: Hinata Shoyou x Kageyama Tobio

In hindsight Kageyama should have known that rock paper scissors was not a good idea. Despite Hinata being a complete idiot who always chose rock, even he could have sparks of genius from time to time. Apparently this was one of those times. After the count of three Kageyama had confidently presented his completely flat hand, because paper always beats rock . Except...

"Scissors! I win!"

Hinata hadn't picked rock.

Kageyama stared dumbly at his hand, completely ignoring Hinata who was now bouncing around the room and screeching about his victory. He couldn't help but think Hinata was setting him up for this all along. Losing on purpose when they played to decide who would pay for their meat buns, losing again when they decided who would pay for their juice and milk. Every time the same rock being drawn, drumming the idea that Hinata would always pick rock into Kageyama's thick head so that when they played for something important-

"Best two out of three!" Kageyama was speaking before he'd really processed his thinking, slapping on an insult at the last second. "...Dumbass."

Hinata paused in his celebration only to tilt his head slightly at Kageyama's sudden outburst.

"No way! We never play two out of three! Don't be a baby Kageyama-kun!"

Kageyama bristled. A baby. Was he really being a baby? Of course not. He just hadn't prepared himself for losing to a complete idiot who always picked-

"Unless you're scared." Kageyama scowled at the redhead who was now invading his personal space with this terrifyingly smug grin plastered over his face. "If you really don't want to I suppose I can do it instead... I don't want to make you cry after all..."

Kageyama should have happily accepted the proposition. Should have. But no, his pride was at stake now. So without another word to the still smug looking Hinata, he brushed past the smaller boy and flopped himself down onto his bed, burying his face into the multitude of pillows resting near the headboard (Hinata always insisted in bringing his own pillows when he slept over) to hide the blush blossoming across his skin.

He heard Hinata padding across the floor behind him, the zip of his school bag and the rustle of plastic before the mattress dipped when Hinata sat upon the far edge. Hinata slowly scooted further up the bed until he was beside Kageyama and poking at the setter's side. Kageyama burrowed his face deeper into the pillows.

"Kageyama?" When the only response he received was a muffled grunt Hinata sighed and poked again. "You wanna turn over?"

Kageyama accepted his fate and rolled so that he was lying on his back, pointedly avoiding looking at Hinata's face, though he still caught the soft smile that spread across Hinata's features when he moved to straddle Kageyama's thighs.

"Hey, Kageyama. It won't be that bad."

Kageyama managed to mumble out an okay, and then Hinata was leaning down and kissing him. Gentle pressure, soft lips, warm breath fanning over his face. Kageyama managed to relax slightly, raising one hand to cup Hinata's cheek as he opened his mouth just a little, everything becoming more intense when Hinata began sucking on his bottom lip and sighing into his mouth.

Hinata's hands, which had been resting atop Kageyama's chest, began sliding down his sides, pressure increasing ever so slightly as they made their way back up. Kageyama felt himself heating up, his hand that was gently cupping Hinata's face moving to tangle itself in unruly locks which caused Hinata to groan, mouth opening up further as he licked into Kageyama's mouth.

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