The Angel From Heaven... Or Hell

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'by yamapoops'

: Hinata Shoyo x Miya Atsumu

It smelled like green tea and the natural scent Shouyou carried around with him when Atsumu stepped outside of the bathroom. He scrubbed his wet hair once more before wrapping the towel around his waist and walking towards the kitchen.

There was indeed green tea there, because Shouyo was just like that and Atsumu got to learn that was just a part of his routine. Without thinking twice about it, Atsumu grabbed his cup, which totally had a volleyball on it because why not, and poured it full, bringing it to his lips. He frantically looked around while blowing with pursed lips in an attempt to cool the drink down before it would actually touch his mouth, trying to spot the small devil.

No luck.

Atsumu sauntered around, searching in the living room, checking the bedroom, but no sign of Shouyou. The worry that creeped up to him displayed on his face, knitted brows and mouth pulled into a frown as he set the mug down and double-checked the kitchen, just because.

It was still early, so Atsumu checked to see if the small shoes, compared to his own, were still where they should be. He saw them right by the door and sighed. Of course Shouyou was here, 9am was way too late for his morning jog.

Speaking of jogs, Atsumu examined himself in front of the mirror, shifting and turning, admiring his muscles. Nah, he's good to go. MSBY had a well deserved free day today, after a season of many games (and wins!), he could totally get away with one day of resting and relaxing, maybe cooking a nice meal (with Osamu's advice he might or might not beg for when it comes to it), maybe cuddling in bed, or watching a nice movie on the couch and putting an arm around Shouyou- Shouyou!

It hit him like a bullet after a gunshot and inside Atsumu's head, it clicked. The one place Shouyou had to be; the balcony.

He probably looked like an idiot, but he didn't care because there was no one in the apartment and Shouyou couldn't spot him like this right now, and there he sat, with his back to Atsumu.

The sun was right before Atsumu and he had to squint his eyes in order to not just become blind right there and then, but nonetheless, he saw the yoga mattress sprawled across the wooden floor, Shouyou's knees just right above it, his back was straightened, which defined his toned shoulder blades even more. With how the sun shone, the top of his hair appeared golden and all of the freckles on his back were visible now. (Atsumu would totally have the patience to count every single one of them; just because it's Shouyou.)

Sliding the glass door open, Atsumu stood right behind the angel (forget that he called him a small devil not even 5 minutes ago), and he was just about to say something, when he noticed there was no flinch or any sign of acknowledgment to his presence.

But the one thing that stood out the most: this was rare. Shouyou was usually known for his over energetic self, but right now he was all calm and peaceful. Atsumu felt like a total sap to say he fell in love all over again. He loved Shouyou, the way he radiated happiness and spread a smile across everyone's face around him, before blowing them away with his insane volleyball skills, high jumps and killer receives.

Yet this... this. Atsumu decided that he loved this Shouyou even more, quiet and collected. He sat down on the comfortable lounge sofa they bought for their balcony a while ago, letting Shouyou be.

That's also when he noticed two things; one, Shouyou's eyes were shut, two, Shouyou's side profile looked amazing as always. His hands were resting on his knees, arms flat on his legs, and Atsumu felt stupid for not realizing it the first second. Shouyou was meditating.

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